A Single Eye to Almighty God's Glory

"And they continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness, and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favour with all the people." -Acts 2:46, 47 [KJV]

What a beautiful picture is here given of the primitive church! My soul, think of the happiness of the saints of God in those days, when, instead of that idle and unprofitable conversation, which, for the most part, fills up the employment of Christians professing godliness in the present day, believers never met without celebrating the Lord's supper (for so the expression of eating bread from house to house means); and their ordinary meals were conducted with a single eye to God's glory! What a sad change hath taken place in the circumstances of Christians!

"They were daily with one accord in the temple:" and thousands who would be very highly offended, were their religious profession to be called in question, think one part of the Lord's day sufficient to be found there. They conversed "from house to house" of the great things of salvation: but what parlour, what place of meeting, what house or family must we go into, to hear of Jesus and His gospel? 

They were daily setting forth the broken body of Christ, in the action "of breaking of bread and of prayer:—" but how many are there, who think the observance of monthly communions of Christ's body and blood too frequent, and only attend now and then, lest the frequency of the service should lessen the reverence due to it!

My soul, look to it, that thy life be upon the plan of those venerable followers of the Lord! Oh! for grace to make every day a sabbath day; and every table the Lord's table! Precious Jesus! I would pray to keep up a constant remembrance of Thee, that "whether I eat or drink, or whatever I do, I may do all to the glory of God!"


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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