The GOD of The Whole Earth

"The GOD of the whole earth shall He be called." -Isaiah 54:5 [KJV]

An affectionate wife cannot bear to hear her loving husband traduced (-misrepresented) and spoken contemptibly of. It must hurt her mind. The church of the faithful, “is the Bride, the Lamb’s wife,” (Revelation 21:9.) Her Redeemer is here said to be her Husband. These four names are given to Him. Thy Makerthe LORD of hoststhe Holy One of Israelthe God of the whole earth. Now if, after this, any should dare to deny, that Jesus Christ is not truly and essentially God, they must be quite blind, exceeding bold, and abominable wicked. 

Jealous of our dear husband’s honour and glory, we cannot bear to hear Him so vilely traduced and blasphemed. While we pity, we would flee from such, and take shelter under the wings of our Redeemer, and the protection of our Husband. The Godhead dignity of His person is the glory of our souls. The humility of His appearing in flesh, adds charms to His matchless beauty. Though He is our husband in our nature: our Redeemer incarnate: though we have free access to Him: sweet converse with Him: and are indulged with holy fellowship by Him as MAN, still we honour and adore Him, as “The God of the whole earth.” 

A poor sinner can never get near God in his mind, enjoy God in his heart, have any peace with God in his conscience, or comfort from God in his soul, but when he has simple believing views, by faith, of an incarnate God—God in Jesus, his Redeemer, and his Husband. And is He thy Maker? Then give Him the glory of thy existence. Is He the LORD of Hosts? Then glory in Him and rejoice, for thou art more than conqueror over all the powers of darkness and the hosts of  hell, through Him Who hath loved thee. Is He the Holy One of Israel? 

Then study to be like Him, pray for conformity to Him, walk in holy fellowship with Him, so as to derive all holiness from Him. Is He “The God of the whole earth?” Then be assured, that being married to Him, and redeemed by Him, thou shalt want nothing, which His infinite wisdom sees best to give: for His everlasting love will supply all. Live daily upon the fulness of thy Husband, and the grace of thy Redeemer. Behold your precious, free-grace charter. 

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the LORD.” -Isaiah 54:17 


True faith will Jesus’ Godhead own, 

For faith’s the gift of heaven: 

Christ is God’s co-eternal Son, 

He’s blest to whom its giv’n. 

This is the God of the whole earth, 

Christ is His sacred name; 

We know this by our heav’nly birth, 

And glory in the Lamb.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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