"By faith the walls of Jericho fell down." -Hebrews 11:30 [KJV]

Doubtless, this story has been food for the profane wit of scoffing infidels. To see Joshua and his army, with seven priests blowing rams’ horns, marching round Jericho, once every day and on the seventh day, seven times—what could the men of Jericho think? Doubtless, that it was the foolish parade of a set of weak-headed men. Had they told them, Behold, on the seventh day’s blowing of the rams’ horns, the strong walls of your city shall fall down at our shouting, without any human power; they would have laughed them to scorn, as a set of dreaming enthusiasts. 

The obedience of faith is the scorn and ridicule of carnal men. What of that? Our Lord was pleased with it. They had His word for their warrant. They believed His word. They did as He commanded. The event was as He promised: the Lord soon made it manifest, who were the fools and madmen? 

But, (1st.) why is it said, “By faith the walls of Jericho fell down?” Was not this effected by the power of God? Yes: but it was according to the faith of the Israelites: and agreeable to the word of God, which was the ground of their faith. Divine faith and divine truth are inseparable. So it is said, “By faith we are justified, and have peace with God” (Romans 5:1.) Yet "it is God Who justifieth,” (Romans 8:33.) Faith hath no more hand in procuring justification, than the Israelites had in throwing down the walls of Jericho. The righteousness of Christ solely obtains this for us. But as they did, so we do by faith—shout, Christ and salvation. All opposition from sin and Satan fall before us. We see the kingdom of heaven open to us. 

(2d.) Here was the obedience of faith. Though, to carnal sense and reason, the means commanded were even ridiculous, yet they obeyed. Study the Lord’s word: obey His will: attend His ordinances: look to the Lord for the promised blessing. 

(3d.) Here is the patience of faith. They encompassed the city seven days, and repeated their work. O Christian, be not weary. Hold on and hold out, till the seventh day, the sabbath of thy eternal rest comes. Says bishop Hall, “A good heart groans under his infirmities, fain would be rid of them: strives and prays: but when he hath done all, until the end of the seventh day, it cannot be.” 

But, (4th.) at God’s time, the walls fell: not one moment sooner. His word cannot fail. So, believer, at God’s appointed time, (you are immortal till then) shall your body, the prison walls of your soul, fall. O then, faith may shout, “for there remaineth a rest for the people of God, Hebrews 4:9


Faith looks at God’s omnipotence, 

Consults not reason vain: 

Soars far above our sight and sense, 

And brings us precious gain. 

Increase our faith, Thou dearest Lord, 

That we may shout Thy praise, 

Get daily comfort from Thy word 

Of pardon, love, and grace.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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