"My soul followeth hard after Thee: Thy right hand upholdeth me." -Psalm 63:8 [KJV]

David was no advocate for the merit of good works. He ascribes no glory to nature’s power and "free-will." Free-grace Paul says, “I laboured more abundantly than they all.” But he immediately corrects himself. “Yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me,” (I Corinthians 15:10.) So if David’s soul followed hard after God, he gives grace the honour of it: “Thy right hand upholdeth me.” This is the way both to improve and to enjoy lively frames of soul, to see and acknowledge the Lord’s hand to be the cause of them. O it is delightful when the soul follows hard after God. 

For, (1st.) It implies such a discovery of the love and grace of the Lord, that the mind is fixed upon Him, the heart drawn out after Him, and the affections cleave unto Him. The language is, “What is there upon earth that I can desire beside Thee?” O, says the soul, “I am in His eyes as one that found favour,” (Song of Solomon 8:10.) 

Then, (2d.) Every thing appears mean and contemptible in comparison of the Lord. The world, with all its riches, honours, and pleasures, has lost its charms. Sin is abhorred. Satan is defied. The flesh is denied. The smiles and frowns of carnal men set at nought. Nothing but the enjoyment of the Lord’s love and presence is prized. 

Therefore, (3d.) There is a diligent attendance on the means of grace. A conscientious discharge of duty, a delight in the exercise of every grace, believing in the Lord, looking to Him, hoping in Him, calling on Him, loving, fearing, serving, and adoring Him. O, says the soul, I will go under the word, who knows but I may gain a greater knowledge of the love, peace, and salvation of my Lord Christ? I will go to His table, that He may meet and bless, and kiss my soul. “Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth, for Thy love is better than wine,” (Song of Solomon 1:2.) 

This is living indeed. Living like oneself, as beloved of the Lord, following hard after Him, reaching forward to Him, “pressing towards the mark, for the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 3:14.) O let us look more to the right hand of the Lord. It hath the pre-eminence. The right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pass. O think on Stephen’s vision. He "saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God,” (Acts 7:55.) We have the very same vision by faith; and the very same object to look unto every hour of life, and every step of our journey. This brings support to our minds, and joy to our hearts. We endure "as seeing Him Who is invisible,” Hebrews 11:27


Inspire my soul with holy zeal, 

Great God, my love inflame; 

Religion without zeal and love, 

Is but an empty name.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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