Pointing to Christ JESUS

"Come and see." -John 1:39 [KJV]

Thus replies the Lamb of God, to an inquiry after where He dwelt. How came these two disciples of John to make this inquiry? John had pointed them from himself, to Jesus, with Behold the Lamb of God. Just as though he had said, “Look at that dear man. Take special notice of Him. He has a whole world of sinners to save. He loved them from all eternity. He is come as an innocent, meek Lamb, to be slain as a sacrifice for them. And His precious blood taketh away all their sins. You and I are poor miserable sinners. We have no object to look to, but that Lamb. Nothing can take away our sins; nothing can bring pardon to our hearts, peace to our consciences, and salvation to our souls, but His blood. Nothing can make us holy and happy here on earth, but, looking to, and living upon this Lamb of God.” 

They believed this. No wonder then, that they followed Jesus, and asked Him, “Where dwellest Thou?” He said, Come and see. O what a sweet, free, and loving invitation is here! Just so it is now, that disciples are gathered to Jesus. His ministers preach of, and point poor lost sinners to Him. They tell of the love of His tender heart, the virtue of His precious blood, and the lamb like meekness of His nature, to receive every poor sinner who comes to Him. 

Hence poor sin-sick souls, dejected, distressed hearts, and troubled minds, hear, are encouraged, and follow Him. He turns and sees, and asks them, “What seek ye?” They ask Him, Where dwellest Thou? Then saith Jesus, Come and see. Come, and live with Me, upon all the fulness of grace, which I have for your needy souls. Come and see, all the fulness of My salvation for your destroyed souls: the full atonement My blood has made for your sins: the glorious righteousness I have wrought out to justify your persons: the peace I have made on the cross for your souls. Come and see, that this is effectually and for ever done, and is fully to be enjoyed by faith. 

Hence learn, (1st.) There cannot an inquiry arise in a poor sinner’s mind concerning Christ, but He has a meek and loving answer to give. He has compassion on the ignorant, and them who are out of the way. 

(2d.) Do we inquire where Christ dwells? He answers, Come and see. I the high and lofty One Who inhabits eternity, dwell also in your nature: I became flesh for you, that you may freely come to Me, joyfully see, and richly partake of My fulness to supply all your wants, and all your need. 

(3d.) Here is a free invitation. Come and see. Without money. You have nothing to bring. Come, see, and enjoy all freely without money, and without price. Lastly, Jesus will soon say, Come and see, all the glory of My kingdom above. Glory be to Thee, O Lord!


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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