The Gospel is the message of glad tidings that everything a holy God required for the salvation of fallen sinners was fully accomplished, finished and completed by the Lord Jesus Christ.  He was “obedient unto death, even the death of the cross,” which obedience was rendered to the Father on the behalf of those given to Him in the covenant of grace.  

When Christ poured out His soul unto death, the Father’s justice was fully honored and the law’s demands were upheld.  The death of Christ paid the ransom price for all of those in whose stead He laid down His life.  The gospel is not a declaration that Christ made salvation a possibility if men will only add their faith or work to it and it certainly is not the message that permeates religion today which says, “Christ has done all He can do and the rest is up to you.”  

The gospel is the truth of redemption obtained, of what God in Christ Jesus has already done for unworthy sinners.  The gospel is the word of “DONE” and not “DO.”  The gospel answers the question, “how can God be just and justify the ungodly?”  It settles the issue of how God can be “a just God and a Savior.”  In the gospel, “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other” (Psalm 85:10).  

The gospel tells us that God forgives sin in a way that honors all His legal requirements.  The Lord doesn’t save sinners at the expense of His justice or without regard for His righteous demands.  Rather, He saved and redeemed sinners by justice being completely honored and righteousness brought in through the death of Christ (Daniel 9:24).  

The fact that He arose, ascended and sat down upon His throne proves that the issues of redemption and reconciliation of the Lord’s sheep were settled by the Shepherd at the cross.

There is only one gospel - there is only one truth of how God saves sinners - through the substitutionary, sacrificial, successful death and resurrection of Christ.  It is the proclamation of this gospel that sets apart true churches from false churches.  This is the banner around which the people of God gather and unite.  By the grace of God, we will not and we must not join forces with those who oppose, compromise or water-down the successful cross-death of Christ.  

The gospel matters more than anything else because this is the message that glorifies every attribute of God and meets the needs of poor sinners.  I read that someone cautioned John Gill about being critical of one who was not preaching the gospel.  They warned him that if he did not cease his rebukes, he might lose the support of some wealthy people.  “Don’t tell me of losing,” replied the faithful servant of the Lord.  “I value nothing in comparison to gospel-truth.” 


-preacher Jim Byrd of 13th. Street Baptist church in Ashland, Kentucky, USA


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