Never to be Abandoned by our LORD JESUS

"Be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." -Hebrews 13:5 [KJV]

Preach contentment to a covetous carnal mind, and you will just have the same success, as if you bid the surging billows to be calm, or the boisterous winds be still. He possesses nothing which can give true contentment to his mind. Has he riches? they are a curse to him: for he himself is under the curse of the law. O believer! was not this, in a certain sense, your case also? You stand in need of this exhortation—“Be content.” You are the subject of a carnal nature, that is under the curse of the law: for that is ever dissatisfied, craving for more, murmuring against the dispensations of the Lord. Know and consider this. Be humble: be watchful. 

Consider, (1st.) what good things of this life you have. Be they little or much, do you deserve them? Have you a right to challenge more from God, the Giver of them? Here set your foot, and let conscience answer nature’s cravings. 

(2d.) Consider what spiritual things you have. (a.) You have the everlasting, unchangeable love of a covenant God and Father fixed on you. (b.) The life, death, and intercession of God the Son, for your righteousness, atonement, and salvation. 

(3d.) As a consequence of this, and that you may know and be sure of this, the Spirit has bestowed His graces upon you. Hence you have faith in Christ, hope towards God, love to Him, delight in Him, a heart to cry to Him, a will to please Him, a desire to walk holily before Him. 

And, (4th.) to encourage and enable to this, you have all His precious promises in Christ. These are the stuff of your faith, the support of your hope, and the joy of your soul. What want you more? St. Paul sums up all in one word: “All things are yours,” (I Corinthians 3:22.) Is not this enough to make you content? No, say you: I find myself such a vile sinner, I am afraid I shall forfeit all these things. So you would before the next setting sun, if you stood in yourself: but you are in Christ. Therefore, here is a covenant promise from a faithful God for you: “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” This is a most precious word for you: fasten upon it: draw comfort, derive contentment from it. 

Some who spoil texts, and mar comforts, cry, O! this regards things of this life only. Well, surely, if God loves His people’s bodies, He will never forsake their souls. And to silence all the cavils of unbelief, the words run—No, I will not leave thee: no, no, I will not forsake thee. Here are five negatives. “Be not faithless, but believing.” -John 20:27


With such a promise in my heart, 

My soul, cleave close to God: 

Cause all base murm’rings to depart, 

Which do gainsay His word. 

Content is to be found in God, 

In nothing else beside; 

He’ll ne’er forsake us through the road, 

But to the end will guide.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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