My Soul, Count CHRIST Thy Greatest Gain

"The LORD is able to give thee much more than this." -II Chronicles 25:9 [KJV]

Thus spake the prophet to Amaziah, king of Judah. “He did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart,” (vs. 2.) His works were externally right, but he was destitute of uprightness of heart towards the Lord. Our Saviour forbids, “Judge not according to the appearance” (John 7:24.) Be not hasty in judging of any one. Nay, not of thy own state neither, merely from a few external actions. Look well to thy heart. See that there is upright honesty and integrity at the bottom of thy conduct. If otherwise, it will soon be made manifest. So it was with Amaziah. This chapter records three abominable evils which he fell into. Confidence in an arm of flesh—Idolatry—Pride, which proved his destruction. 

As to the first, he hired one hundred thousand mighty men of valour, to strengthen his army against his enemies, for one hundred talents of silver, i.e. thirty-five thousand, three hundred pounds sterling. A prophet of the Lord is sent, to forbid his going to war with these hired forces. He takes the warning, but is concerned at losing so large a sum of money. The prophet adds, “The LORD is able to give thee much more.” Had he consulted the Lord upon his expedition, he had saved his money. But he asked not counsel from Him. 

O Christian, lean not to thine own understanding. Seek to thy Lord. Consult His will in His word. Beg for His direction in every enterprise. Otherwise, though the Lord may kindly send a messenger to thee, yet thou wilt suffer loss and gain vexation. If thou hast taken a wrong step, do not obstinately pursue it. Better suffer the loss of any thing, than thy Lord’s favour. Amaziah was wrought upon by the prophet’s word. He sent back the hired forces, and gave up the loss of his money. O sweet word, the Lord is able to give thee more than this. He can, and He will repay every loss thou sustainest in doing and suffering His will. 

Does thy enemy fret and tease thee from day to day? Are thy violent passions ready to break out against him, and to revenge thyself upon him? O give up all. Give way to no unholy tempers. Be content to suffer for thy Lord’s sake. Is not thy Lord able to make it up to thee? Remember He says, “Whatever ye give up for My sake and the gospel’s sake, ye shall receive an hundred fold now, and in the world to come eternal life,(Matthew 19:29.) 


My soul, count Christ thy greatest gain, 

Who gave up all for thee: 

His love and grace do ever reign, 

From sin to set thee free. 

Not one good thing will He withhold, 

To make thee truly blest: 

Against thy foes He makes thee bold: 

O give up all for Christ.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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