"Let me see the king’s face." -II Samuel 14:32 [KJV]

Beloved Absalom was now in a state of exile from his royal father. He had shed his brother Amnon’s blood. The king was enraged against him. Though he suffered Absalom to return to his house at Jerusalem, yet says he, “Let him not see my face.” Still there was love, great love in David’s heart, towards his son. Thus, O believer, thy heavenly Father may hide away His face in anger, because of thy provocations. That’s thy hell. But His love never abates. It is always the same towards thee, from everlasting to everlasting. That’s thy heaven to know. 

Was it not so, hell had long since been thy portion and mine. O think of, believe in, rejoice for everlasting, unchangeable love: love, that will never be wearied out by thy sins, till it hath brought thy soul, where sin and sorrow shall be no more for ever. But, was Absalom quiet and easy, to return to his house at Jerusalem? No, amidst all his enjoyments, there was a fly in the pot; his mind was corroded: his heart unhappy. Why? The king would not see him: and as though he had but this one desire in his soul, and all other enjoyments were nothing without this, says he, “Let me see the king’s face.” 

He could not rest till this request was granted him. Some folks are very fond of having their fortunes told. O soul, dost thou desire to know thy state? Thou mayest very easily know tonight, whether thou art in the way to heaven or hell. Is it the one desire of thy soul, to see the king’s face? the face of the King of kings—the King of saints, the Friend of sinners? Is thy soul restless and unsatisfied without this sight? Though surrounded with all that heart can wish, yet art thou saying? “Lord I cannot live at a distance from Thee, without the smiles of Thy love, the sight of Thy reconciled face in Jesus. Lord, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon me, and I shall be whole: quite happy and comfortable. The light of Thy countenance will make me exceedingly glad. In Thy smile is heaven: in Thy frown is hell."

Here is a blessed and sure evidence, that thou art a child of God. Here is the proof of thy faith, and the regeneration of thy soul. It is disposed to God: as a loving desire, an earnest pressing after, enjoying the comforts of His Spirit: a sight of His face, and a sense of His love. You will not, you cannot, rest upon doctrines of grace, without experiencing the grace of the doctrines in your heart: not to be satisfied with believing the everlasting love of God, without feeling it shed abroad in your heart, by the Holy Ghost. 


My gracious Redeemer I’ll love, 

His praises aloud I’ll proclaim, 

And join with the armies above, 

To shout His adorable name.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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