Great Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 10 November, 2024 A.D.

"He who receiveth Me, receiveth Him Who sent Me." -Matthew 10:40 [KJV]

It is very natural to think, if the Son of God were now upon earth, O how gladly would we receive Him into our houses. If you really would, you now cordially receive the report of Him, into your hearts: you now welcome it by faith, as the most precious truth that ever saluted your ears. 

(1st.) What is it to receive Christ? There is endless perplexity in the consciences of many poor sinners, whether they have received Christ— when they received Him—what it is to receive Him—how they received Him—and whether they received Him right, etc. Satan gets great advantage here over many. Therefore he stirs up many (who nevertheless may do it ignorantly) who sadly puzzle weak Christians with nice and subtle refinements, about receiving Christ. You would have no difficulty to tell, whether you receive a dear friend—how your heart stood affected towards him—and what reception you gave him. How is it between Christ and your soul? Do you see Him, believe on Him, and trust in Him as a Saviour, just suited to your ruined, desperate, hopeless state? Bless the Holy Spirit for this. You have received Christ. 

Now, (2d.) Consider the blessedness of this. You have also received Him Who sent the Redeemer, that is, God the Father. He gave Christ for us, He sent Christ to us. And therefore, (a.) God is now your loving Father in Christ. There is nothing but peace and love in His heart towards you. He is for ever reconciled to you. All His attributes are engaged for you. He declares, “I will be merciful to your unrighteousness: your sins and your iniquities I will remember no more, (Hebrews 8:12.) You are now safe from the curse of sin, the condemnation of the law, and the power of Satan, as though you were at His right hand. For your Father’s right hand is your defence. If He stretch it forth to chastise and afflict you, it is all in love. O the joy of faith! 

For, (b.) You are His righteous child in Christ. Though in yourself, you are sinful and miserable—have unholy thoughts—vile lusts— disagreeable feelings—the workings of unbelief—devilish injections, etc. These all spring from your flesh, in which dwelleth no good thing. These are common to all the children of God. Therefore think it not strange, that you are made to groan under a body of sin and death, from day to day. Let not these mar your comfort, nor prevent your joy, of being a perfectly righteous son or daughter of God in Christ. 

For, (3d.) You ever have all free access to God, and all holy boldness before Him. See Ephesians 3:12.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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