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Do You Want Salvation God’s Way?

“Do you believe God saves sinners even when they do not want to be saved?” You may think this is a strange question, but it was recently asked of me. The answer is, NO, but we must go to the Scriptures to understand what goes on in the salvation of a sinner. The Bible teaches that no sinner by nature wants or desires salvation GOD’S WAY – By free, sovereign mercy and grace in and by the Lord Jesus Christ alone! 

We read this in passages such as John 6:44 and Romans 3:9-18. These are just a few examples that show us the reality of man’s depravity. Sinful man wants salvation, but he wants it on his own terms, like Cain of old, by works for which he can boast. 

When God saves a sinner, does He save that sinner even if that sinner does not want to be saved God’s way? No. When God saves a sinner, God alone, by His power and grace, makes that sinner willing to believe in, rest in, flee to the Lord Jesus Christ for all salvation – all forgiveness of sin, all righteousness, all eternal life, and all glory. 

He does this by the power of the Holy Spirit in the new birth as He imparts to that sinner a new knowledge, a new heart, and a new spirit (please see Ezekiel 36:26-27; Hebrews 8:10-12). God the Holy Spirit, by the preaching of the Gospel of Christ, convinces that sinner of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment so that under true, invincible, Holy Spirit conviction, that sinner is more than willing to run to Christ as fast as he can and hold on for dear life. 

The question, then, we all need to ask and consider is this – “Do I want salvation GOD’S WAY, by His grace in the Lord Jesus Christ?” All who truly desire THIS salvation have been made willing by the power of Almighty God. Please see Psalm 110, vs. 3

—preacher Bill Parker
Eager Avenue Grace church, Albany, Georgia USA


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