"And Israel said, It is enough." -Genesis 45:28 [KJV]

His soul seems fully satisfied with the Lord’s dealings and dispensations. He could ask no more. There was a perfect calm in his mind. He sings a sweet requiem to his soul. Like David, when he says, “return unto thy rest, O my soul, for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. For Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living, (Psalm 116:7-9.) 

Most precious resolution for such great bounties! Come, Christian, canst thou say with the hoary-headed patriarch, to-night, It is enough? What, could God have done more for me, which He hath not done? Could that one word, sounded in the ears of Jacob, “Joseph is yet alive,” cause such transports of joy to rush so suddenly upon him, as to be too impetuous to be resisted? How should that blessed word, Jesus is yet alive, transport thy soul? Was Joseph governor over all the land of Egypt? The government is upon the shoulders of your elder Brother, Christ, (Isaiah 9:6). All power in heaven and earth is committed to Him, (Matthew 28:18.) 

He saith, “I am He Who liveth and was dead, and behold I AM alive for evermore, Amen: and have the keys of hell and death, (Revelation 1:18.) Is not here cause for thee to cry out, Satisfied, it is enough: I can desire no more? Surely, this is sufficient to cause thy dejected spirit to revive. Did Jacob believe, when he saw the presents of his son? Did he say, “I will go and see him before die?” O Christian, is thy Saviour ascended into His kingdom? Has He received gifts for thee, and poured down love-tokens upon thee? Has He given thee repentance to turn to Him, and faith to embrace Him? 

What is thy language? It is enough. Jesus ever lives: eternally loves: incessantly prays. Then I shall surely see Him, but not before I die. But I shall soon shake off these rags of mortality, and sing victory in death. Then, O then, I shall behold Him, eye to eye, and face to face. Then I shall say, with highest rapture of soul, “It is enough.” Then death shall be swallowed up of life, and I shall cast down my crown before the Lamb. O then I shall eternally see Him, “Whom having not seen I love: in Whom, though now I see Him not, yet believing, I rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, (I Peter 1:8.) O that in the same Spirit with St. Paul may I ever say, “Doubtless I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, Philippians 3:8. 


Too oft my wand’ring heart, 

To foolish snares incline, 

And so from Jesus I depart, 

Then grief and sorrow’s mine. 

Lord, let Thy love still reign, 

O’er all my foes within: 

Thee do I count my greatest gain, 

O save me from all sin.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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