Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 16 November, 2024 A.D.

"Let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone." -Galatians 6:4 [KJV]

“A day is coming, when the fire shall try every man’s work, of what sort it is, (I Corinthians 3:13.) O how much wood of pride, hay of self-love, and stubble of self-complacency, will then be burnt up; Yea, and it will be entirely owing to the rich grace, and finished salvation of Jesus (not for any work of ours), that our souls too, are not in that day cast into unquenchable fire. Why then does the apostle bid us prove our own work? That we may be joyful? Alas! says the convinced humble sinner, I have not a work that I dare look at, but instead of giving me joy, it occasions sorrow. 

“God be merciful to me a sinner.” Lord be gracious to me, an unprofitable servant. Is this the confession of thy heart? Prove it by the word of God. Thou wilt find it agreeable thereto. Rejoice in thyself for it. Give glory to Him, Who taught thee to know thyself, and put into thine heart the language of grace. Thou art saved from self-righteousness and self-confidence. Rejoice in that. It is thine own work to believe, the power is the Lord’s. Prove thy work of faith. 

Does it fix on Jesus alone? Does it work by love to Him, to His rejected truth, His despised people, and His scorned interest and glory? Rejoice in thyself, but give all glory to Christ, Who is the Author of thy faith. Are the commands of Christ, as well as His salvation, precious to thee? Dost thou love and pursue holiness, knowing, in this way only, thou canst enjoy fellowship with Christ? Dost thou hate sin and eschew it, as contrary to the glory of Christ, the faith of thy heart, the peace of thy conscience, and the life of thy soul? Rejoice in thyself. Thou art highly distinguished by the Spirit of truth and holiness. 

Thou art born of Him, thou art a new creature in Christ. Thy grief and concern for thy sins and shortcomings, are evidences of the purity of thy heart. Though they lay thee low in humility, yet they should never prevent the abounding of joy in thyself. There is an essential difference between the humble joy of faith, in the heart of a poor sinner, and the self-righteous joy of a poor Pharisee. He rejoices, because he sees a difference between himself and others—that he is more righteous than others—has a better title from himself to God’s favour and kingdom, than others. Hence he (the Pharisee) despises, and glories over poor sinners. 

The other rejoices in himself, for what he is to Him, has done for Him, and has wrought in Him, in consequence of love-union. Hence his works spring from faith—are done in faith—and in all he desires to eye his Lord’s glory; and while he has no confidence in the flesh, he rejoices in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:3.)


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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