Contend Earnestly for God's Sovereign Free Grace

"Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines: for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace." -Hebrews 13:9 [KJV]

The doctrines of grace are streams which flow from the Fountain-Head, the covenant of grace. They all lead to Jesus, the surety of the covenant. All doctrines that oppose the covenant-engagements of the Holy Trinity, for the salvation of sinners, are diverse, and strange doctrines. They direct to a different hope than Christ, and lead souls from the truth, as it is in Him. With these diverse and strange doctrines, men may evidence great zeal for holiness and good works, while they have rooted enmity against the leading truths and capital doctrines of the gospel

Who talk more of holiness, and contend more for good works, than Arians and Socinians, and yet deny the proper deity of Christ? So many of another cast, carry their notions of holiness and perfection to the greatest height; yet vehemently oppose the doctrines of grace, election of grace, salvation by glace, justification by the righteousness of Christ, and the sure and certain perseverance of all His saints to eternal glory

We are in danger of being carried about, like clouds and meteors in the air, by the wind; so as to have our minds always fluctuating, wavering, and unsettled, by diverse and strange doctrines, touching our acceptance with God, and the hope of eternal life. But as a remedy against this evil, says the apostle, “It is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; with the doctrines of grace, and with an experience of the grace of those doctrines. But this is not to be expected, if the doctrines of grace are not constantly attended to, cordially believed, and highly prized, as making the everlasting love and salvation of the Trinity precious to our souls. Some are all for warm affections, but care little for solid judgment. These soon grow giddy-headed. Others are all for doctrines, and aim only to have clear heads and a sound judgment; but care not whether the heart is warmly affected, and the life powerfully influenced. 

Such are like dry sticks in a garden, which support vegetables, but neither grow, nor bring forth any fruit to Christ’s glory. O Christian, be concerned to have thy heart established with the grace of Christ, rooted in the love of Christ, and animated by the Spirit of Christ! “Built up in Him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving, Colossians 2:7. This is the good thing which you should earnestly covet day by day. 


Tho’ men and Satan me perplex 

About a thousand things; 

Christ’s word is simple and directs 

Where hope and comfort springs. 

Whatever tends to drive away 

My faith and hope in Christ 

Shall never with my spirit stay, 

But boldly I’ll resist.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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