The Supreme Affections of our Heart ~ CHRIST JESUS

"And Israel said unto Joseph, Now let me die, since I have seen thy face, because thou art yet alive." -Genesis 46:30 [KJV]

Strange request! What, just come to the sight and embrace of thy long lost son, and yet want to leave him at the very first interview? One should have thought the language of Jacob would have been, Happy man! I not only see my beloved son, but also see him governor over all the land. Well, I hope I shall live long to enjoy his riches and grandeur. But, no. The good man had lived long enough to make an estimate of the uncertainties of life: to know the evil of days, the vicissitudes of time, and how soon the day of brilliant joy might be changed into the night of gloom and sadness. The sight of his son was the summit of his wishes: that granted, he sought no more. 

He wished to be at home with his Lord. Happy Christian! thus to set loose to all creature enjoyments, even when there is the highest enjoyment of them, than to have one’s mind go out in longings after the heavenly world, evidences the spirituality of the affections. Many have manfully withstood the frowns of the world: but its smiles have caressed, enchanted, and hugged them to death. To choose death, to be with Jesus, when all things around are inviting and engaging, shews that Christ has the supreme affections of our hearts. Here see the nature of Christian faith. 

(1st.) It confesseth that Christ is come in the flesh: that, though He is dead, yet He is alive for evermore, and hath the keys of hell and death; and that He has opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. 

Therefore, (2d.) as truly as Israel rejoiced to see his beloved son, and could depart in peace—so the believer rejoices at the sight of Christ by faith. A living Christ is the glory of a believer’s soul. He can die easy, peaceful, and comfortable, viewing the death of Christ for his sins, and the life of Christ for his justification; and the intercession of Christ, prevailing for his eternal glorification. And this faith is somewhat more than a notion in the head; for, 

(3d.) it brings victory into the heart. For this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he who believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? (see 1 John 5:4, 5.) 

It is impossible to overcome the world any other way, than by seeing greater glory and happiness in the Son of God than this world can bestow. But by faith we do it. Therefore, we exchange shadows for substance; baubles for jewels. O rest not in a dead faith, which brings not the glory of Christ into the heart, and brings no glory to Christ in the life. 


Lord, having seen by faith Thy face, 

And felt Thy precious love; 

I long to feel Thy rich embrace, 

In Thy bright court above.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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