The Liberty Which CHRIST Has Made Us Free

"Stand fast therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." -Galatians 5:1 [KJV]

Here is somewhat enjoyed, danger of being deprived of it, and the necessity of standing fast in it. Let us consider these three points, looking unto Jesus. 

(1st.) What is enjoyed? Liberty. One of the most precious blessings in life. But this of all liberties, is the most precious. For, Christ hath made us free in our consciences. From the guilt and power of sin. 

(2d.) From all condemnation of the law. 

And (3d.) To have access to God as righteous persons. 

He hath washed away the guilt of our sins by His blood: and subdued the power of them by His Spirit. “He hath delivered us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13.) So that there is therefore no condemnation to us, being in Christ Jesus, (see Romans 8:1.) He presents us before His Father in His perfect righteousness. We are accepted in the Beloved, by God as perfectly righteous, “to the praise of the glory of His grace, (Ephesians 1:6.) 

Thus Christ hath freed us from the law, sin, death, and hell. He has brought us into His blessed liberty by His Spirit. We enjoy this precious freedom in our consciences by faith. O brethren, let us glory in our inestimable privilege. Let us ever rejoice in Christ Jesus, and give Him the glory of our hearts, lips, and lives for it. But, See your danger of being entangled again with the yoke of bondage. We [who] now enjoy the precious liberty of Christ, were once entangled with the law. A most dreadful yoke it was. We felt wrath working in our consciences, and dread and terror hung over our guilty heads from day to day. 

O how did we then pine and cry, for Christ to set our souls at liberty. We were tried and bound with the chain of our sins— fettered by the law—shut up in unbelief. My soul deeply felt this distress. O beware of bondage again. There is danger on the right hand and on the left. The pleasure of sin, and the pride of our hearts, seeking either in whole, or in part, justification by the law of works, are both equally contrary to our freedom in Christ. 

O let us therefore, Stand fast in the liberty of Christ, Against all temptation to sin. Oppose your happiness in Christ to all the pleasures in the world, which are but for a season. Stand fast in your freedom in Christ, against all the corrupt notions of self-righteous men who are under the law, seeking to be justified in whole, or in part, by their own works. Against all the accusations of Satan. We overcome him by the blood of the Lamb. Against all the legal workings of our flesh. For we are the Lord’s freemen. We are no more under bondage. 


Stand fast, my soul, in Christ thy Lord, 

To legal preachers give not way; 

Embolden’d by God’s precious word, 

Maintain thy freedom ev’ry day.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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