Power from Almighty GOD to Become Sons of God

"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God." -John 1:12 [KJV]

Man lost paradise by receiving a gift from Satan: there is no way to regain it, but by receiving Christ, the gift of God. Am I one of the many, who have received Christ? This question is of eternal moment. If I have not, no matter what I profess, by what name I am called, what I think of myself, or others think concerning me; for I am certainly in a state of wrath, exposed to eternal damnation. What answer does conscience return to this important question? God may this night require my soul. I may be in eternity before the morning light. 

Have I received Christ or not? What is it to receive Christ? Many precious souls are sadly perplexed and greatly distressed here. But why should they? St. John plainly tells us, to receive Christ, is to believe on His name, that He is the anointed Saviour of lost sinners. Do you receive this truth into your heart? Does your mind go out after Christ? Do you hunger and thirst to know Him, as your Saviour, to save you? Then so sure as you exist, you do believe in Christ’s name. Bless the Holy Spirit, who has opened your eyes to see His glory, and your heart to receive this precious Jesus. Hear and rejoice. He gives you, and all such, “power to become the sons of God.” 

Not merely puts it in the power of your free-will to choose, whether you will become a son of God or not; but He actually bestows this high honour upon us. He gives us the right (or privilege, as in the margin of our Bibles) of enjoying the comfort and blessing of being the adopted sons of God. O the riches of new covenant-grace and love! What a miracle of mercy is this! Of the children of wrath and heirs of hell, Christ makes us sons of God and heirs of heaven! Why then do you ever live uncomfortably, or walk unholy? It is, because you do not assert your right, maintain your privilege, and live up to your power, in your mind and conscience. Hence, love to, and delight in, your Father God, and Saviour Jesus, are wanting. 

O! remember, ever remember, as you received Christ by faith, all your power, peace, and comfort, flow from Him through faith. Study, strive, and pray to the Spirit, to keep faith lively in act and exercise, that you may live and walk on earth, so as to glorify your Father, Who is in heaven. For if you are a son of God, by faith in Christ, you have the heart of a son: the fear, the love, the hope, and the delight of a son of God. And you will rejoice to think, that you will soon be at home with your heavenly Father. 


Am I a son of God, thro’ faith 

Receiving Jesus Christ? 

Rejoice, my soul, and glory give 

To Him in Whom thou’rt blest. 

May it my daily study be, 

To live and walk by faith, 

And glorify my Father God, 

Obeying what He saith.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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