Keep Close Company with JESUS our LORD

"But one thing is needful." -Luke 10:42 [KJV]

Happy, most happy for that soul, who can simply bring all things into a unit, to centre in one point. More than one object perplexes the mind. If, to double business bent, we stand and pause where we shall first begin, and perhaps both neglect. What is the one thing needful? It is plain our Saviour means, the soul keeping close company with Himself. This Mary did. She sat at his feet and heard his word. Every thing else is but cumbering work, compared with this. For this one thing comprises all the holiness, happiness, and heavenlymindedness of the soul. O if we have the presence of Jesus, guilty tears vanish—dejecting doubts are scattered—legal terrors are silenced—anxious cares subside—strong temptations lose their force—Satan is resisted—afflictions sweetened—turbulent passions calmed—raging corruptions subdued—pride is brought down—humility is excited—peace with God is enjoyed—holiness is promoted—the fear of death conquered—the terrors of hell chased away—the prospect of glory, in the full fruition of Jesus, is aspired after, and longed for—earth loses its charms—heaven is in the heart—to be absent from the body and present with the Lord, becomes the one desire of the soul. Say, O Christian, what one thing else can produce so many, such blessed effects, as close communion with our Saviour? Is not this then the one thing, above all others, needful? Needful at all times and in all seasons: needful in the hour of prosperity, and in the day of adversity. O, if this one thing is maintained in the soul, believer, you may live as you list, and do what you please. For sweet communion with Christ, ever subjects the will—attracts the affections—and begets holy conformity to him. You will not list, you cannot love, you dare not follow any thing which is contrary to your Lord, while you live near to him, and dwell in holy fellowship with him. Thus religion is brought to a single point. Holiness and happiness resolved into one thing. There is but one Lord, to make you holy and happy. But one faith, by which you know it, and cleave to him for this. But there are a thousand things to prevent this. O may this one thing needful rise superior to all! Think, O my soul, of Mary’s choice. Remember thy Saviour’s approbation of it. Do thou also choose this good part, which shall never be taken away. 


Beset with snares on ev’ry hand, 

In life’s uncertain path I stand, 

Saviour divine diffuse Thy light, 

To guide my doubtful footsteps right. 

Engage this roving treach’rous heart 

To fix on Mary’s better part— 

To scorn the trifles of a day, 

For joys that none can take away,


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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