GRACE REIGNS ~ encouragement for sinners

"He wist not that the LORD was departed from him." -Judges 16:20 [KJV]

What do I read? Sampson’s name enrolled in the list of the ancient heroes of faith? Hebrews 11:32. What! he who loved a harlot, and was so blinded by his lust, as to bring on himself the most dreadful evils, even unto death? Yes. Grace reigned then. It reigns still, through the righteousness of Christ unto sinners. What! That they should continue in sin, because grace abounds? God forbid! See the most awful evils it brought upon this man of God. Behold in him how sin blinds the eyes, hardens the heart, and stupefies the conscience. Think of this, and tremble at the first approach of sin and lust. 

(1st.) Sampson’s lust to a vile, unchaste woman, had so blinded his reason, that he put his life into her hands three times. Yet he could not see that she had no regard for him, but only wanted to destroy him. Here was a judgment upon his sinful passions. The Philistines put out his eyes. 

(2d.) As he was fettered by his sin, a slave to his inordinate concupiscence, and did the devil’s drudgery; the Philistines fettered him, put him into the prison-house, and there made him grind. 

(3d.) The Lord, Who is of purer eyes than to behold sin, added this judgment to the others, He departed from him. But Sampson knew it not. Hence, observe, That God doth not wink and connive at sin in His people; but He will most assuredly punish them for it. That the Lord may depart from a soul, and he not be immediately sensible of it. But when, like Sampson, he awakes out of his sleep, and says, “I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself,” O alas! he finds his spiritual power and strength gone. 

No sweet communion with his dear Lord as heretofore. No precious assistance from His Spirit. No inward testimonies of His love, and gentle whispers of peace to his soul. He prays, but it is with the lips only. The power of prayer is departed from the heart. He goes from ordinance to ordinance, but he finds not his Lord in them. All is dry formality, dreary and uncomfortable. 

But, O joyful! Sampson’s locks began to grow again. The Spirit of the Lord returned to him once more. He prays “O Lord God, remember me and strengthen me, that I may be avenged on the Philistines for my two eyes.” “Lord remember me, was the thief’s prayer on the cross. Never forget the gracious answer. If you can but find a heart to pray to Jesus, to be revenged upon your cursed lusts, He saith, “Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backsliding, Jeremiah 3:22. 


The Lord still waits to shew His grace, 

And save returning souls from hell: 

Tho’ we offend Him to His face, 

God’s love in Christ’s immutable. 

‘Tis this revives the dying spark 

Of hope in a poor sinner’s heart, 

Turns him from sin’s most cursed work 

To Jesus, for His promis’d rest. 


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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