"My soul fainteth for Thy salvation: but I hope in Thy word." -Psalm 119:81 [KJV]

David’s words furnish us with these observations: (1st.) That it is a sure evidence, that that sinner is savingly convinced of sin by the Spirit of God, when the salvation of Jesus is the desire of his heart. 

(2d.) That the soul, though destitute of the joy of faith, in the assurance of interest in Christ’s salvation, yet may have the grace of hope in lively exercise. 

(3d.) That in fainting frames of soul, the word of the Lord is the sure support of hope. Study these points: settle them in your hearts. The Lord give comfort from them! When a person faints, the blood returns to the heart: it ceaseth to flow through the veins. Hence, the spirits sink; nature fails; life and strength depart; the eyes see not; the hands cannot hold; the feet cannot walk. Have you not experienced it thus with your souls? Have you not found things at a very low ebb with you, just ready to give up all hope, and let all confidence go, just at the last gasp? 

See the actions of a gracious soul. Learn experience by David’s conduct. He thinks of his best Friend, his dear Saviour. He looks up to Him. He tells Him what he faints for: Thy salvation. For fresh knowledge of interest in it: for the joys and comforts of it. What! when his sin stared him in the face? when his conscience was burdened with guilt? when his spirits failed him, his soul fainted within him, and without assurance in his heart of interest in Christ’s salvation? is this a time to go to Christ? 

Yes—the very time: the proper time: the time of need, in which we are exhorted to come boldly (see Hebrews 4:16.) O, my fainting fellow-sinners! What a precious Saviour is Jesus! What a glorious salvation hath He finished for us! What a special mercy, that the loving Spirit excites desires in our souls, after the enjoyment of it! Well, though David’s soul faints, yet, says he, I hope in Thy word. What, without faith! No: he had living faith in his heart, though he fainted for the joy and comfort of faith. He believed the word of grace and salvation, and he hoped for the fulfilment of the promises of his Lord, to the reviving of his soul. 

He honours his Lord’s word, trusts in His faithfulness, and casts the anchor of hope upon His truth. Go and do likewise; "for we are saved by hope” (Romans 8:24.) “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the vail, whither Jesus is for us entered.” -Hebrews 6:19, 20


My spirits sink, my heart doth faint 

For Thy salvation, Lord: 

Thy peace bestow, Thy presence grant; 

My hope is in Thy word. 

On that I daily will rely, 

‘Till Thou my soul revive: 

Thy word of truth can never die, 

Therefore by faith I live.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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