CHRIST'S BLOOD: Fountain Opened for Sin & Uncleanness

"But was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." -Hebrews 4:15 [KJV]

O, says a soul in heaviness, through manifold temptations, surely no one was ever tempted and as I am: St. Paul answers to the contrary. “There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to men,” (I Corinthians 10:13.) Is this any relief and support to you? If not, consider the text. 

(1st.) Temptation was common to Christ as man. He was tempted in all points like as we are. View Him beset by Satan. See the hellish arts he practised upon Him. He tempted Him to the lust of the eye—to self-murder—to idolatry—to distrust God—to tempt God—yea, in all points, like as we are. You cannot feel a trial or temptation, but what Christ felt before you. Though he had no sin in His nature for Satan to work upon, yet, He doubtless felt all the assaults, which the power and malice of hell could attack Him with, yet without sin. Therefore, temptations are not sin. 

(2d.) Though as God, Christ knew all things intuitively, yet He could only as a man have a feeling, experimental sense of the nature and power of temptations. 

(3d.) This is very comfortable to His tried, tempted members. For He is “touched with a feeling of our infirmities.” Being tempted Himself, He is able to succour them when are tempted” (see Hebrews 2:18.) O think of this under all your temptations and trials. What! did Christ feel all that I feel before Him, and for me? Had He the most lively sense and pungent feelings of temptation? And was all to this end, that He might be able to succour me? Think, O my soul, thy crowned Head in glory feels for all His tempted members on earth. 

Consider Jesus, once a MAN as thou art, and now, as seeing thy distressed, panting heart, and labouring breast, bowed down with one temptation after another. Methinks I hear Him say, Thus it was with Me, when in the flesh. My heart yearns, My bowels move with tender compassion, to that My brother, in flesh. I am touched with a tender sympathy for him. Is it so? Then do not keep the devil’s secrets. 

Does he tempt thee from day to day, with some vile, filthy, cursed lust? Go and lay all in thine heart open to the Lord. Be neither afraid nor ashamed. Christ knows what sore temptations mean, for He has felt the same. Confess the vile, abominable, hellish lusts, and corruptions of thy nature. Remember, ever remember, Christ’s blood is the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness. -Zechariah 13:1


Temptations black beset my soul, 

And often make me start: 

How can this be, if grace control, 

That I should feel such smart? 

My soul, be not dismay’d at this, 

Thy Lord did feel the same: 

Satan doth strive to mar thy peace, 

But Christ hath conquer’d him.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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