"Let us, therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded." -Philippians 3:15 [KJV]

St. Paul says, his preaching Christ, warning and teaching every man of his ruined state, in all wisdom, was to this great and glorious end—To present every man perfect in Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:28.) How often have our minds been distressed and dejected, (I speak for one) from seeing our imperfection in all we are, and in all we do? Instead of this, we are called, again and again, to "rejoice in the Lord alway,” (Philippians 4:4.) This we shall do, if our consciences be made perfect, by the blessed work of Christ, received by faith, as was observed in the last meditation. 

O rest not short, of perfect satisfaction in this matter. The work of Christ has perfectly satisfied God’s justice and truth, and rendered honourable His holy law: why should it not then perfectly satisfy your conscience, and make it perfect? Now, we are exhorted to be like minded. In what respect? You will see in the foregoing verses. 

(1st.) Rejoice in the Lord. This is the happy privilege of every believer; yet, how sadly neglected! It is a command by which the Lord is as much honoured, as by obeying any one of the ten commandments. Consider this: be concerned to practise it. 

(2d.) Beware of those who have confidence in the flesh. St. Paul calls them dogs, and evil workers; as though they were ever barking and caviling against the perfection which is in Christ Jesus, and opposing somewhat of their own to it. 

(3d.) Worship God in the spirit; in the life and spirit of the gospel of grace and peace. 

(4th.) Count all things loss for Christ, by which you gain all things. Renounce your own righteousness, for the righteousness of Christ received by faith. Desire to be found in Christ living, dying, and at the judgment. 

(5th.) Win Christ, and wear Him by faith, from day to day, that you may be made conformable to His death, in dying to sin, self, and the world. 

(6th.) Follow after Christ: knowing that all your perfection is in Him, that you may apprehend Him, catch faster hold of Him, cleave more stedfastly to Him, abide more comfortably in Him; that you may enjoy more sweet fellowship with Him, for which Christ apprehended you, when you was posting to hell. O never forget His love in this! Take faster hold of Him. 

(7th.) “Press towards the mark, for the prize of your high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Your calling is clear. The prize is before you—a crown of righteousness. The Lord, the righteous Judge, holds it out for you, and will surely give it you. Looking to Him by faith—“Forgetting the things which are behind, and reaching forth unto the things which are before”—Christ and glory. 


Tho’ perfect now, we still press on, 

Perfection’s prize to gain: 

We live by faith on God’s dear Son,

Till all our foes are slain.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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