Boasting of our LORD JESUS Christ

"My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad." -Psalm 34:2 [KJV]

There was a poor, vain-glorious boaster, who had arrived to the summit of his happiness, and attained the zenith of his glory. The sun of prosperity shone with great splendour upon him. He bid adieu to all care. Down he sat to solace himself. “Soul!” said he, “thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease: eat, drink, and be merry.” But, awful moment! solemn speech! God said unto him, “Thou fool! this night thy soul shall be required of thee” (Luke 12:20.) 

O how many such fools are there, who think the soul can be made happy, in outward ease, eating and drinking, and carnal enjoyments. Alas! one moment dashes the honey of their comforts, into the gall of disappointment. Not so, that soul who boasts in the Lord. This was not a transient fit of David’s, caused by a warm frame of the passions. For, says he, “I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall be continually in my mouth.” 

This is living, indeed, like a son of God, and an heir of glory. St. Paul, like David, sets us the same example. Christ and free grace, says Luther, was ever in his mouth. He never thought he could mention the precious name of Christ too often. He repeats it almost in every verse of the I Corinthians ch. 1. If Christ is the boast and glory of our souls, His name will ever be uppermost in our hearts, and upon our tongues. It was the martyr Lambert’s motto, “None but Christ, none but Christ.” It is said of one, that he seldom, or ever, mentioned the name Jesus, without a tear. 

A martyr was judged to be dead, being burned as black as a coal in the fire, moved his scorched lips, and was heard to say, “Sweet Jesus!” and fell asleep. These were all poor, needy sinners, like ourselves. They saw their want of Christ: they believed what He had done for them, and was to them: they gloried IN Him, and made Him the boast of their souls. The humble are glad to hear of this. It delights their souls, to hear the name of their Saviour boasted in, His sacrifice gloried of, His righteousness exalted, and His salvation the triumph of sinners. 

Their hearts catch the sound; and, with a glow of the fire of love, they join the heavenly cry, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive honour, and glory, and blessing,” etc. (Revelation 5:12.) O, how different is this from self-exalting and self-boasting! But God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. See James 4:6. 


What tho’ I am but filth and sin, 
A wretch both vile and poor, 
Yet I will boast of Christ my King, 
My righteousness and store. 
Jesus, Who gave Thyself to me, 
Keep down my haughty pride: 
Let all my glorying be of Thee, 
For I have nought beside.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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