Beware and Cry to the LORD

"Take heed and beware of covetousness." -Luke 12:15 [KJV]

It is said, If a person seeks for the philosopher’s stone (which turns all metals into gold) with a covetous desire to be rich, he may be sure not to find it. We are sure, that precious jewel contentment, is not to be found in a covetous heart. Let philosophers and moralists reason ever so persuasively against the evil of covetousness, yet the love of money will rise superior to all. What mighty charms are there in gold! But the voice of our Beloved here speaks. His words are spirit and life. Hear then, O disciple, “take heed and beware.” 

Consider, (1st.) This admonition of thy Lord. It is redoubled. “Take heed: beware!” Just as the loving parent, seeing his dear child running into the jaws of danger, cries out with vehemence, Take care! take care! Fix this in thy mind, there is great, very great danger here. Our Lord sees it. His love speaks with the utmost earnestness, that we may avoid covetousness. 

(2d.) What is covetousness? One gave a good definition of it. Being persuaded to leave off business, as he had got enough, replied, What is enough? It is a little more than a man has. Consider, 

(3d.) The evil of covetousness. That insatiable desire prevents present contentment, destroys thankfulness, yea, and keeps the enjoyment of Christ out of the heart. Can a covetous man be happy in God? No: no more than Dives could have been happy under the dreadful circumstances of Lazarus full of hunger and sores. Will any one ask, What harm is there in the love of riches, and coveting of them? St. Paul expressly answers, A covetous man is an idolater, (see Ephesians 5:5.) Is there no harm in that? Our Lord says, “Seek ye first, (principally, chiefly, and above all other things) the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added, (Matt. 6:33.) 

Is there no harm in reversing Christ’s command: putting a slight upon His kingdom of love, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost; so as to prefer riches before it? Soul, consider, What is your profession? Are the unsearchable riches of Christ enough to satisfy your mind, or are they not? Can enjoyment of fellowship with Christ make your heart happy or not? 

Have you faith to believe this, or have you not? Does Christ here caution you to no purpose, where there is no danger? O lay this to heart. Cry to the Lord. Covetousness is natural to us. Lively faith in Christ will destroy it. For, it will enable the soul to say with St. Paul, “I am full and abound” Philippians 4:18. 


Is Christ my portion and my share, 

And can’t I be content? 

Beware, my soul to covet more— 

Talents are only lent. 

See, see the thousands who now run 

In full pursuit of gold; 

They give up Christ, and very soon 

For gold their God they sold.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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