"We also joy in God, through our LORD JESUS CHRIST, by Whom we have now received the atonement." -Romans 5:11 [KJV]

Having obtained the King’s free pardon, for a poor man cast for transportation, I carried it to the goal to him. Seeing the poor fettered creature fall down upon his knees to return thanks, caused a flood of tears of heart-felt joy to burst from mine eyes. I thought, this is just what Thou, O my precious Saviour, hast done for me. Thou hast obtained a free and full pardon for all my sins, set my soul at liberty, and filled it with peace and joy, by the one atonement of Thy precious blood. The poor convict had not read his pardon. He had not seen the King’s name to it. I only made the report to him, that I had obtained it. He believed me. Hence he was happy, joyful, and thankful. Thus he received his pardon. 

Now here is a simple and plain idea of faith: Of what? Receiving the atonement of Christ, and of joy in God. You are a poor sinner. The Spirit of God comes and convinces you of sin. You are arraigned, tried, brought in guilty, cast and condemned in the court of conscience. You are concluded under sin, and shut up in unbelief. Here you wait in sorrow and distress for the sentence of the law to be executed upon you. You find you can do nothing that can obtain pardon and liberty for your soul. 

But the gospel brings the glad tidings of the atonement of Christ to your ears, and that by it, a full and free remission is obtained for sinners. Now, what reception does it meet with in your heart? Say you, I believe it from the very ground of my heart, but I fear it is not for me. It is free for all, who will receive it by faith. You believe it, therefore you have received it. You ought to joy in God for it. Examine into the grounds of your fears and doubts. Is the atonement of Christ sufficient to satisfy divine justice, and obtain pardon and peace? This you cannot doubt. Is it not free for all sorts of sinners? Of this you can have no fear. “For this is a faithful saying, and worthy of ALL acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, (I Timothy 1:15.) who are nothing but cursed sinners, and have nothing but cursed sin in them. 

Do you doubt that you are too great a sinner? This cannot be. St. Paul says of sinners, I am chief. Yet he received the atonement, and was saved by it. Learn hence, (1st.) That all joy in God springs from the one atonement of Christ for sin, and that only, exclusive of every thing else. (2d.) Every one who believes in Christ has now received this atonement. And therefore, (3d.) Ought constantly to joy in God the Father’s everlasting love. 


No joy in God, to Him no love, 

We ever can possess; 

‘Till faith is given from above, 

In Christ our righteousness.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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