"I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing." -Romans 7:18 [KJV]

This is the knowledge which puffeth not up; but like love, edifieth the soul in deep humility: while it excites overflowing gratitude in the heart to Christ for His righteousness, to justify vile sinners. It is the knowledge of regenerate souls. I know: not only doctrinally, in notion and theory, but it is a confirmed truth, by heart-felt experience. I know it from day to day: I have proved it again and again: I am fully assured of it, as I am of my own existence, that in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. 

St. Paul’s judgment of himself was confirmed by experience. But was he not a most eminent apostle, and holy saint? Yes; still he confesses publicly before God, angels, and men, that he was the subject of a nature, which was earthly, sensual, and devilish. If no good thing dwelt in his flesh, is it not implied, that every evil dwelt there? Doubtless, he would be so understood. Were evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, blasphemies, etc. in the flesh of this holy saint? Yes; his knowledge of the total corruption of his fallen nature, agrees with his Lord’s doctrine, (Matthew 15:19.) 

He had been a murderer and blasphemer by practice. Then he was in a state of ignorance and unbelief. But now he was regenerated, his state changed, and his practice altered, therefore, surely his flesh could not be so bad. Yes, it was, just the same; the flesh—the old man—the corrupt fallen nature is, and ever will be the same, in the regenerate: It ever lusts against the Spirit, (see Galatians 5:17.) Why is this woeful experience of the apostle left upon record? For our profit. 

(1st.) That we may judge and try our own by it. If we are taught by the same Spirit, we shall have the same humbling views of our flesh, which is not worse than Paul’s nor was his one whit better than ours. If we are left in nature’s pride, we shall join the ignorant cry of those who say, “all who are convinced of sin, greatly undervalue themselves.” 

(2d.) Not to be cast down with despondency, nor to give way to despairing thoughts, though we find every evil, and nothing but evil in our flesh. For this cures us of all self-confidence. This we are prone to: but this opposes the faith of the gospel. 

(3d.) Look out, and go entirely out of yourself: look wholly to, and trust entirely in the Lord Jesus and His righteousness, that though you have no confidence in the flesh, you may ever rejoice in Him. This is the character and conduct of true believers (see Philippians 3:3.) 

(4th.) Adore the Holy Spirit, Who when you had no goodness to deserve it, no meetness to qualify for it, but all in you to oppose it, gave you a birth into Christ, in Whom you have every spiritual good. Therefore, “walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” -Galatians 5:16


Great God, assist me thro’ the fight: 

Make me triumphant in Thy might. 

Thou the desponding heart canst raise; 

The victory Thine, and Thine the praise.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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