The Holy One

"Ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things." -I John 2:20 [KJV]

A Christian may falsely indulge this covetous wish, to have his head filled with the knowledge, and his heart with the love of Christ. What is knowledge without love? The very devils could say of Christ, “I know Thee who Thou art, the holy one of God.” They have a more distinct knowledge of Christ, believe more of Him, and have just as much love to Him, as Arians, Socinians, and other infidels, who deny His eternal power and godhead, and His self-existent deity. The devils declare, “What have we to do with Thee, Thou Jesus of Nazareth?” 

Infidelity in men causes them to give our Saviour no higher name than this, and to allow Him to be no more than a prophet, mighty in word and deed. But they will have nothing to do with Him as the eternal Son of God, atoning sin by His precious blood, justifying sinners by His perfect righteousness, and finishing salvation for them by His life and death. This is from the teaching of the Holy Spirit, agreeable to the word of truth. All who receive the truth in love, are Christians, or anointed ones of God. 

(1st.) They have an unction. The Son of God was anointed, as well as chosen, in His office and work, as our Saviour, the holy child Jesus, Whom God anointed (Acts 4:27.) So all who are chosen to salvation, are also anointed of God (II Corinthians 21.) They, as members of Christ, partake in a measure of the gifts and graces of the Spirit, which their Lord and Head received without measure (John 3:34.) 

(2d.) This is from the Holy One. This is one of our dear Saviour’s names. He is often called by it. None but God is holy. But Christ is the Holy One, therefore He is God. Mind, soul, you are a disciple of a holy Saviour, therefore be holy in your walk. This unction is from the Holy One, received out of the fulness of Jesus. We cannot have any of the gifts and graces of the Spirit, but in, and by, and from the holy Lamb of God. The love of the Father centres in Him, and flows from Him to us. The graces of the Spirit are without measure all treasured up in Him, and flow from Him to us. We receive all grace out of the fulness of Christ. O let us keep the eye of our faith, and the hope of our souls steadily fixed upon our Holy One, Jesus. Let us glorify Him, and praise the dear Spirit for this unction. This teaches us, 

(3d.) to know all things. O then, saith a poor soul, I have not this unction. I am weak and ignorant. I know nothing. No! Do you not know that you are a poor lost, hopeless, helpless sinner; that God is in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself; that Jesus has finished salvation, and that the Father is well pleased in and with Him? Dost thou know and believe this in thine heart? Why,—“This is life eternal, to know the only true God and Jesus Christ.” -John 17:3


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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