"Put off the old man." -Ephesians 4:22 [KJV]

People who love money better than a good conscience, make nothing of putting off base and counterfeit coin. Christian, you may safely imitate them, in putting off the base old man. The more the love of Christ is in you, the more will you do it. 

What is meant by this old man? Corrupt nature, which was born with you, is part of you, lives in you, and will never be dead so long as your body lives. Though near six thousand years old, yet he is very strong and vigorous at times. Yea, though you are a child of God, and a member of Christ, he wants to have the mastery over you. You could never have conquered him, had not Christ crucified him. Though crucified, you can never subdue him, but by the strength of Christ. 

Nor you cannot put him off but by the grace of Christ, for he clings and twines round you like a serpent; yet you are commanded to put him off. This is your duty from day to day. But it is not by your might, nor power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. Why are you called upon to put him off?  Because all his reasonings are corrupt, his every suggestion is totally evil. He would corrupt the gospel, pervert its truths, reject its promises, and defy its threatenings. 

All his lusts or desires are deceitful. He deceives by the pride of self-righteousness, as well as by gross sins. He is an enemy to thy Lord, a supplanter of His glory, and a rival of thy faith in Him, peace from it, and obedience to Him. If you cherish him, you lose the comfort of your best Friend’s presence. If you reason with him, you perplex your mind, and lose the simplicity of faith. If you follow his promise of liberty, you will get into bondage. “If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die” (Romans 8:13.) What is implied by putting off the old man?  That he always continues the same: he is never changed for the better. That he always remains alive in you. 

But, that you should put him down from his seat, and not suffer him to rule over you. Put him off in your thoughts, walk, and conversation, just as you would an old filthy garment; or like a troublesome, intruding old man, who would knock at your door, and want admittance to you. Put him off, with this reply, I have the blessed company of the new Man, Christ Jesus; there is no admittance for you. “I have put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” (Ephesians 4:24.) Put off the old man, by humble faith and earnest prayer, ever remembering, I can do all things, through Christ strengthening me. See Philippians 4:13. 


Strange is the mystery of grace! 

Tho’ I’m a creature new, 

Yet still I find thro’ all my days, 

The old man in me too. 

Almighty King of saints, 

My tyrant lusts subdue: 

Expel the darkness of my mind, 

And all my pow’rs renew.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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