Out of Weakness Yet Made Strong in Christ JESUS

"Let the weak say, I am strong." -Joel 3:10 [KJV]

Where is the weak, doubting sinner? Stand forth, my soul, thy Lord arraigns thee; He judges and passes sentence of reproof upon thee. “O thou of little faith, wherefore dost thou doubt?(Matthew 14:31.) Your doubts come from your little faith: your doubts prevent the increase of faith. You can easily believe the Lord is displeased at your sins. What is sin, but disobeying His commands? But did you never consider it as a sin, a great sin, not to believe when He commands? 

Not to be obedient to His word, when He requires you to be strong in faith—“Strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus?” (II Timothy 2:1.) “Strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10.) O you do not enough attend to this! But you say, “I am so weak in myself.” Who is not? He who thinks he is not, is the weakest of all in self-knowledge. The great, the strong, the inspired Paul, gives this challenge. “Who is weak, and I am not weak?” (II Corinthians 11:29.) 

You are, in yourself, upon a level with Patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and all saints; and they were all alike upon a level with you, in point of self-weakness. Here is a command for you, Let the weak say, I am strong. Lo, I tell you of a great saint, a strong believer, who found himself so weak, that he took the prophet’s advice, and adopted these very words. Would you wish to follow the example of a better saint than St. Paul? He says, “When I am weak, then am I strong” (II Corinthians 12:10.) This is a heavenly art. It is to be learned every day. Put it in practice this night. 

The Lord’s glory is concerned in it. Thy comfort springs from it. Say, am I weak to strive against sin—to resist Satan—to overcome the world—to deny himself—to follow Christ—to pray unto Him— believe, and hope in Him—cleave to Him, and love Him? etc. What then? I doubt He will cast me off; and suffer me to perish. Would you serve a weak member of your body, or treat a weak child of your loins so? Would you not rather live to strengthen it? So does your Lord. He says, Be strong in the grace which is in Me. My strength is yours; My life is yours; all I am and have, as God-Man and Mediator, is yours. Go out of weak self. Live by faith on Me. 

Remember, even the renowned heroes of faith, they were not only weak, but weakness itself. “Yet out of weakness, they were made strong” (Hebrews 11:34.) O consider, you are engaged in a good cause, well provided with the best armour, and assured of perfect victory, by Jesus, the Captain of your salvation. -Hebrews 2:10


Tho’ weak as helpless infancy, 

We daily feel we are, 

Yet in the Lord our strength doth lie— 

We are His past’ral care. 

Lord, make us on Thy strength rely, 

And face each daring foe: 

While looking unto Thee as nigh, 

We unto conq’ring go.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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