Joyful Truth to Miserable Sinners!

"By the obedience of One, (or by ONE obedience) shall many be made righteous." -Romans 5:19 [KJV]

Joyful truth to miserable sinners. O that this word was ever upon our minds, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways, saith the LORD (Isaiah 55:8.) Our thoughts are, to make ourselves righteous by our own obedience; and our ways are, to be justified before God by our own righteousness. But the Lord calls us to forsake these unrighteous thoughts, as well as wicked ways, and to submit by faith, to His thoughts and His ways, to be made righteous by the obedience of ONE. 

Consider, (1st.) this negative implies that no obedience but ONE, can make any sinner righteous. O professor, what art thou seeking after, and striving to be and to do? What is the end of thy praying, reading, hearing, communicating, striving against sin, and seeking to excel in obedience, etc.? Is it to make thyself righteous? then it all proceeds from unbelief of this truth, by ONE obedience, shall many be righteous, and by no other obedience whatever. Then say some, “There is an end to all good works.” No. From the faith of this all good works begin. 

There is indeed an end to all the evil works of unbelief, which are done to supplant the ONE spotless obedience of Christ, in making sinners righteous, to the establishing the filthy rags of man’s righteousness. Taught by the Spirit of truth, through faith, my soul abhors this. I firmly believe, “whatsoever is not of faith, is of sin” (Romans 14:23.) “Works which do not spring of faith in Jesus Christ, have the nature of sin” (Church Article XIII.) Hence, O my soul, no obedience of thine, before faith in Christ, can make thee righteous. Obedience after faith doth not make thee righteous; for then thou art made righteous by the ONE obedience of Christ. Settle this matter well in thy conscience, the glory of thy God, and the comfort of thy soul, spring from it. 

For, (2d.) It is positively asserted, By The obedience of ONE; or the ONE obedience of Christ, shall many be made righteous. The faith of God’s elect takes the comfort of this, and will love Christ, live upon His righteousness, and give Him the glory of it. 

But, (3d.) Who are made righteous by Christ’s ONE obedience? Many. The many sons whom Christ shall bring to glory (Hebrews 2:10.) Even all, who see themselves miserable sinners, and believe in Christ, for righteousness, unto justification of life. What a glorious way is this of making sinners righteous! (a) It secures all the glory to Christ. (b) It keeps the sinner humble before Him; dependent on Him; and prevents all self-righteous boasting. While, (c) it gives the poor sinner the greatest boldness, with access of confidence to God. (d) It inspires warm love to Christ, and the cheerful obedience of faith.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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