From Christ Is Our Fruit Found

"I am like a green fir-tree: from me is thy fruit found." -Hosea 14:8 [KJV]

Here is a sweet dialogue between the Lord and Ephraim, which signifies growing. The Lord had just before said, “I will be as dew upon My people.” See the effects of this grace, Ephraim says, “What have I to do any more with idols?” Now I find my Lord and His love in my heart, get hence ye cursed idols: my vile lusts and that vain idol, the work of my hands, my own righteousness. I abhor the former. I trample on the latter. I bemoan my folly in taking up with them so long. The Lord graciously answers, “I have heard him:” his moans and complaints. “And observed him,” with complacency and delight returning to me. 

O ever gracious, long-suffering, loving Friend of sinners! “I am like a green fir-tree.” Who says this? Commentators say, Christ. But I would rather humbly presume, than boldly assert, that they are the words of the believer. For thus the dialogue is kept up. Naturalists say, the fir-tree is of itself unfruitful. If so, we may suppose the believer saying to his Lord, I find my soul is alive. I do grow. I am a tree of righteousness of thy planting, and Thou mayest be glorified (Isaiah 61:3.) But, I am like a green fir-tree. I bear eaves. I can bring forth no fruit of myself. I long to be fruitful to Thy glory. To which Christ replies, “From Me is thy fruit found.” O we can never be too often reminded of this! For it beats down pride: It keeps us humble before, dependent upon, and grateful to our dear Lord. 

(1st.) Christ hath brought forth all rich fruit to us, to comfort us: adoption to ennoble us: righteousness to justify us: blood to cleanse us: holiness to sanctify us: and heaven to glorify us. 

(2d.) All the graces of the Spirit in us: faith to come to and abide in Him: love to delight our souls in Him: hope to expect from Him, etc. 

(3d.) All our fruits of righteousness are from Him. Being married to Him, we bring forth fruit unto God (Romans 7:4.) All our fruits of righteousness are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God (Philippians 1:11.) 

O then it shall be our chief, our constant concern, to keep our faith in lively exercise upon Christ, that we may have a clear sight of our union to Him, and a happy sense of communion with Him. Out of His fulness we receive all supply. Remember this criterion of thy Lord, O that it may quicken our diligence, influence our conduct, and animate our zeal in the way of holiness. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” -Matthew 7:20


All my salvation is in Christ; 

From Him are all my fruits; 

All other notions I resist, 

Which sinful nature suits. 

Hence I by faith on Christ will live, 

That Christ may live in me; 

So ev’ry grace shall spring and thrive, 

And I not barren be.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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