Belief of The Truth

All men and women are born into this world spiritually “dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1).  All are under the curse of the law, and all are deserving of eternal damnation.  “But God”!  God chose to show mercy to some sinners through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Had God not chosen to do that, not one soul would have been saved.  Contrary to what many may believe, there is no rejection in election. God did not choose for some to be saved and some to be damned. Mankind was already damned.  

God elected to save His people from damnation, and He reveals who He chose to do this for through the Holy Spirit giving a sinner Belief of the Truth” (II Thessalonians 2:13)Therefore, all who have been given this faith to believe on the saving work and blood of Christ alone are bound to give thanks to God for choosing to save them before the foundation of the world. 

-preacher Gabe Stalnaker


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