A Living Comfort in the Saddest of Seasons

"And He said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk and are sad?" -Luke 24:17 [KJV]

Time is the best medicine for most diseases, whether of body or mind. A present hour my cause sadness, the next may bring joy. This is a living comfort in saddest seasons, Christ knows both our sorrows and the cause of them. He is always near to us, though we see Him not. His sympathising spirit manifests itself in this question. 

Observe, (1st.) Here were two disciples communing together, and reasoning with one another. This is right, it is pleasing to our Lord, to see His dear members converse with Him, and strive to edify each other in the faith of Him—and that they bear each other’s burdens. 

For, (2d.) Jesus joined company with them. Disciple, how often have you found it so? Christ delights in the fellowship of His saints. “How can one be warm alone?” Ecclesiastes 4:11

(3d.) Christ inquires what is the subject of their conversation, and the cause of their sadness. Disciples of Christ have their sad seasons. It is good that they should converse freely, with one another about them. But whence do they spring? Chiefly from unbelief. The souls of these disciples were sad. Why? They did not believe the Lord was risen. But ah! there was another reason for sadness. They had basely forsaken, and cowardly deserted Him. This also arose from the same cause, unbelief. Well, notwithstanding all this, see the free grace of Christ! 

(4th.) He follows them, though they forsake Him. He owns them, though they denied Him. He cares for them, though they shewed no care for Him. He comes to comfort them, though they had grieved Him. Says the Prince of peace, “Why are ye sad?” Then they opened their minds to Him. They told Him of the ray of hope, and the gleam of confidence which they possessed. We trusted, etc. But delays produced doubt. This is the third day, etc. (verse 21.) 

What was the consequence? (a) Christ chides them for their unbelief. (b) Expounds the Scripture to them. (c) Causes their hearts to burn within them. O Christians, though you are perplexed in your mind, walk and are sad, yet forsake not the assembling of yourselves together. Expect and pray for your Lord’s presence. This, like the rising sun, will scatter the clouds of doubt, fear and sadness, which hang over your mind. Remember with the confidence of faith, and the joy of hope, your Lord’s precious promise, “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” -Matthew 18:20


O Jesus, in my saddest hours 

Help me to look to Thee: 

And call up all my thinking pow’rs, 

Of what Thou art to me. 

When lost to God and dead in sin, 

Thy love sought after me: 

Tho’ sav’d, I’ve flesh and sin within, 

My joy is all in Thee.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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