"The heirs of promise." -Hebrews 6:17 [KJV]

Consider, (1st.) An heir of promise, is one who has no just right, or legal title, to an inheritance; but as it is ensured to him, by the promise of the owner: just so the Lord makes sinners, who have no right, or title, to this heavenly inheritance, a free promise that they shall be heirs to it. 

(2d.) When was this promise made? Before the world began, God who cannot lie, promised eternal life (see Titus 1:2.) 

(3d.) To whom could the promise be made, seeing man was not then created? It was not made to man, but for man: not for any thing in man: nor does the promise receive any stability, by any thing done by men. It was made in the eternal council and covenant, by God the Father, to His co-equal Son; for and in behalf of all the heirs of God. 

(4th.) Who are the heirs of promise? God knows every one of them. We know their name: it is sinner. In the fulness of time, He makes them manifest, and they have blessed evidence and assurance of their being heirs. For, as the Father gave them to Christ, the Spirit draws them, and they come unto Christ. This is the blessed evidence of heirship. They are refugees. They flee for refuge from the curse of the law, the desert of sin, every hope, and all help in themselves, to lay hold of Jesus, their trustee, to whom the promise was made, in whom it centers, and through whom it shall certainly be fulfilled. But neither their fleeing, nor their faith, makes them heirs; but being heirs in Christ, they are enabled to flee to Him, believe in Him, and enjoy the comfort of it. 

(5th.) See then, ye believing heirs how safe your state, how secure your inheritance, It is reserved for you (1 Peter 1:4.) God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise, the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath (Hebrews 6:17.) O the love of God! O the horrid blasphemy of men! They who say, an heir of promise may be damned, charge the great God with perjury! 

For, The inheritance is not by works. Not for any thing we have done, or can do: not for any grace given us. But being heirs by promise, grace is given us, that we should live and walk, like sons of God, and joint heirs with Christ. As you did nothing to make yourself an heir of promise, and to get a title to eternal life, so you can do nothing to forfeit it. It is impossible for God to lie. He cannot be forsworn. His promise cannot fail. Yet, if you do not live like an heir of God, your faith will grow weak, your comfort low; you will lose sight of your title, and your Father will visit your offence with a rod, Psalm 89:32


I have no right to be an heir, 

Of God’s most rich inheritance; 

His promise gives to all a share, 

Who place in Christ their confidence. 

Then Lord I humbly come to Thee, 

A sinner vile, wretched and poor; 

O grant me clearly now to see, 

I’ve entered in by Christ the door.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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