Precious LORD JESUS Christ

"The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit." -II Timothy 4:22 [KJV]

A most precious benediction! How blind are all who deny the divinity of Christ! how miserable are all who live without the presence of Christ! how ignorant are all who know not that such a blessing is to be enjoyed! how stupid are all those who seek it not! Art thou not, O Christian, too negligent in not more earnestly seeking and constantly praying for more of the presence of thy Lord? Consider, what is implied in this wish? It is heaven in the heart, glory in the soul, to have Christ with our spirits. It disposes and qualifies the soul for heavenly glory. 

For, (1st.) Christ’s presence restrains our bad tempers, and subdues our unruly passions. Boisterous waves are changed into a profound calm; rough winds are at peace; foaming billows are still: there is the calm sunshine of heartfelt joy within: all is serene and happy without. Christ’s presence causes haughty pride and furious anger to subside. 

(2d.) It fills the soul with love: love to God and man. We cannot enjoy the presence of Jesus, without loving Him as our Lord. It is love that causes Him to be present with our spirits, and our spirits catch the flame of love from Him; and, if we love God, this love will diffuse itself to our brethren also. 

(3d.) Christ’s presence counsels and directs us in all our difficulties. We are often in the dark, both as to providence and grace; in things temporal and spiritual, as to our bodies and souls. But the presence of the Lord causes light; solves every difficulty; and makes our way plain before our eyes. 

(4th.) It enables us to bear up under all our distresses. Christ’s presence comforts our hearts, while afflictions bow down our spirits. 

(5th.) Christ’s presence fortifies us with strength, to fight manfully against the world, the flesh, and the devil. We can do all things through Christ strengthening us. It is out of His fulness we receive grace for our every need. 

(6th.) The presence of Christ animates us in the discharge of every duty, and enlivens the exercise of every grace, of faith, hope, love, patience, etc. Lastly, Christ’s presence makes sin hateful, our souls humble, the world contemptible, temptations tolerable, self-denial easy, the cross glorious, Satan flee from us, hell vanquished, death conquered, the passage to glory delightful, and heaven most earnestly longed for; that, without interruption, we may be ever present with the Lord. O! use every means to enjoy the Lord’s presence. Avoid all things which may cause Him to withdraw it. “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God” Ephesians 4:30


Our spirits with Thy presence bless, 

Thou Lord of all our joy, 

That we may walk in righteousness, 

And nought our peace destroy. 

To know Thy love, and feel Thy peace, 

Creates our heav’n below; 

To pray for this we will not cease, 

While on to heav’n we go.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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