Contend for The Faith

"Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." -Jude 3 [KJV]

When St. Paul was preaching the most important truths of the everlasting gospel at Corinth, he was brought before the judgment seat, and accused for his doctrine. Poor Gallio would not concern himself about the matter. He considered it all as a strife of words, and a contention about names. I will be no judge, says he. He cared for none of these things. His heart was totally unacquainted with the faith of God’s saints. But art thou a partaker of like precious faith with the Apostles? and canst thou be a Gallio too? Know, if thou wilt not contend for the faith, hell and earth are in arms, to contend against. What is the faith here spoken of? 

(1st.) The doctrines of faith revealed in the word: the whole scheme of evangelical truths, inspired by the Spirit of God. These are received by faith: are the rule, the warrant, the support, and the glory and joy of faith. Such as the doctrine of the Trinity in Unity—their everlasting covenant of grace the result of everlasting love to the elect—the incarnation of the Son of God to save us—our regeneration by the Spirit, full and complete salvation by grace, etc. 

(2d.) The object of faith. Christ received into the heart, by Whom we have peace with God, pardon of sin from Him, justification before Him, boldness to draw nigh to Him, and sweet fellowship with Him. Now these truths are delivered to, and received by saints. Says Jude, “Beloved, it was needful that I should exhort you”—to what? Namely, for the sake of peace and quietness, not to dispute and contend for this faith? No, but to contend earnestly: heartily, with warmth of zeal, with a holy glow of affection, in good earnest. Disciple, improve this word of exhortation. 

Consider, the doctrines of the gospel, and the faith of them, are of the greatest moment, both to your being and well-being as a Christian. Says Luther, “One little point of doctrine, is worth more than heaven and earth.” Some ignorantly call the doctrines of the gospel mere opinions; just as if it was indifferent, whether believed or not. 

Stand reproved, ye lukewarm, Laodicean spirits, who have not a word to say in defence of your most holy faith, but under a pretence for peace, are cool and indifferent about truth. Truth is too great a price, to purchase peace at. But, remember faith works by love. Carry the fire of love into all your contentions. Eye Christ in all. Aim at His glory by all. Pray to have His mind accompany all. With love and pity to all, pray Him to bless all you contend with, if peradventure He may give them repentance to the acknowledging the truth, Titus 1:1.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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