Christ JESUS ~ The Hope set Before You

"My son, be strong in the grace that is in CHRIST JESUS." -II Timothy 2:1 [KJV]

St. Paul had known what it was to be strong in vain confidence and self-righteous hopes: to be strong in rage and persecution against Christ and His people. But his soul had severely smarted for that. Now Christ had taken possession of his heart. He was all in all to him. He thought he could never enough recommend Him and His grace to his dear friends. O let us imitate him. 

(1st.) The grace that is in Christ Jesus. Because of our low, mean, scanty thoughts of His rich grace, we are low in courage against our enemies, and weak in the comforts of our souls. Know, there is much more in this, than many weak Christians suppose, who unscripturally think Christ came into the world, to procure some grace for us, that He puts it into us, as men do seeds in a hot-bed, but leaves us to be faithful to it, and so to secure our own salvation. What kind of grace is this? Not saving grace. If this be all, it would end in our certain destruction. But the grace, or favour, that is in Christ towards us, is nothing less than the everlasting love of God to us: an everlasting atonement for our sins: an everlasting righteousness to justify our persons: an everlasting salvation for our souls: and the everlasting consolations of the Holy Ghost, all promises to us in the everlasting gospel, and enjoyed in faith. Those who diminish aught of this, from the grace of Christ, are open enemies to God’s glory in Christ, and to the peace, holiness and comfort of our souls. Ignorance and unbelief are our Lord’s enemies and ours. 

Against these, (2d.) Be strong in this grace. Fortify your mind: fence yourself round with it: entrench yourself in it. Let your confidence be strong in it, against all opposing enemies. Be bold in faith: strong in hope: confident in the grace of Christ. Rest not in any degree of grace received: but be strong in the fulness of the grace that is in Christ. Are your lusts and corruptions strong? Oppose the Almighty grace of Christ to them. Are your doubts and fears strong? “Be strong in the precious promises which are in Christ Jesus, Yea and Amen to the glory of God” (II Corinthians 1:20.) Are your conflicts, temptations, and distresses strong? Flee for refuge to Jesus, the hope set before you. There is strong consolation for you! God, knowing our distress and dejection, through the prevailings of unbelief, has graciously confirmed His counsel and promise (O astonishing!) by His oath. Can you, dare you think it possible for God to lie, or be perjured? Then, whatever in nature, sense, and feeling oppose, stagger not at the promise of God, through unbelief; “but be strong in faith, giving glory to God” Romans 4:20. 


With strongest love, and sufferings great, 

Christ manifests His grace: 

Then let’s be strong, in Christ complete, 

And we shall see His face. 


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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