"For He endured, as seeing Him Who is invisible." -Hebrews 11:27 [KJV]

What a paradox! “Seeing Him Who is invisible.” Is not this deemed the very height of enthusiasm? I dearly love that word. It signifies, being in God. And I love it, in the very sense carnal men use it too, for they mean, one who evidences the zeal and fire of godliness in his soul. Give me that man for my companion, who is cast off by the world, as an enthusiast. Is it any marvel that scriptural, experimental truths, are foolishness to the spiritually blind, and that they can neither endure the persons, nor the language of the children of faith? 

Consider, (1st.) What did Moses endure? What you and I, and every enlightened soul is called to endure, “the reproach of Christ, and suffering affliction with the people of God.” Now this is opposed, by “enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season.” So that if you will but enjoy the pleasures of sin with the men of the world, you may escape the reproach of Christ, and avoid suffering affliction from them. Now which is your choice? If Christ be your object, you cannot hesitate one moment: Moses’ choice will be yours. Give me Christ—welcome reproach—afflictions I embrace for Him. 

O let me have Christ within me, and His mark upon me. Faith makes all easy: love makes all pleasant: hope makes all joyful. Well, but, how could Moses endure the reproach of Christ, before Christ was born in the flesh? Why, the premised Messiah was the object of his faith, his hope, his love and his joy. As he was of all these heroes of faith, recorded in this chapter, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever, is the one only object of every sinner’s faith, since the fall of Adam to this day. Take away Christ, and faith has no existence. But, 

(2d.) How did Moses endure? Just as you and I must. Seeing: this implies a continued act of the mind, constantly fixed upon an object. We cannot be stedfast in faith, joyful in hope, abounding in love, and enduring reproach for Christ, unless we are continually “...looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2.) 

Though He is invisible to the eye of sense, yet we see Him by the eye of faith. See Him as our forerunner entered into heaven for us—after having removed all things out of the way that hindered us—now ever living to pray for us—ever ready to keep us—and waiting to receive us to Himself, that where He is there we may be also. O this constant looking makes hopeful, holy, joyful living, and comfortable dying. 


Faith gives a sight unto the soul, 

To see an unseen Christ, 

Which does our sinful pow’rs control, 

And make us truly blest. 

Bless God for Christ, and Christ for faith, 

To see such blessed things: 

O take more heed to what God saith, 

Which only comfort brings.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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