"Kiss the Son." -Psalm 2:12 [KJV]

A short command. For brevity, like the poesy of a ring: but comprehensive, like the book of God. For it compriseth all that the Scriptures require of us, and promise to us. It means, that we live in holy love, and walk in sweet friendship with the Son of God. For, (1st.) a kiss is a token of reconciliation. Kiss and be friends, is a common proverb. “The kisses of an enemy are deceitful” (Proverbs 27:6.) Christ has experienced this, by the kiss of Judas. Though sinners against Christ, yet He loved us: though enemies to Him, yet He died for us. The belief of this love destroys our enmity. The breach between God and us is made up. We are reconciled to God, and have peace with Him, through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1.) How did reconciling grace operate upon the heart of that vile sinner, Mary? She kissed her Lord’s feet, while, with tears of penitential sorrow, she washed them (Luke 7:38.) O! give the reconciling Son of God, this love-token of your reconciled hearts. 

(2d.) A kiss denotes congratulation. When Samuel anointed Saul, he kissed him and said, “Is it not because the LORD has anointed thee to be captain over His inheritance?” (I Samuel 10:1.) Thus congratulate Christ, “Who is the Captain of our salvation” (Hebrews 2:10.) 

(3d.) It is a salute of joy. By a kiss, we welcome a dear friend, on return from a long journey, or dangerous voyage. What a journey did Christ take! what a voyage did He embark in for us! After all His agonies and sorrows for our salvation, He has arrived at His kingdom and glory: and shall we not welcome and salute Him with a kiss of joy? 

(4th.) It is a token of great honour. Not every one may presume to kiss the hand of an earthly monarch; some are permitted, on being appointed to some place under his government. Behold, we are “made kings and priests unto God, by Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:6.) What an honour to kiss the King of kings! Lastly; it is a love-token of *consanguinity. Loving relatives express their mutual affection by a kiss. Is Christ the loving bridegroom of our souls? Let us arise, shake ourselves from the dust, and stir up our hearts, to give Him every possible token of love and affection. 

May we live nearer to him, enjoy more of Him, and be indulged with more spiritual communion with Him. May our souls ardently long to be with Him, that, with rapture, we may kiss those dear feet that travelled, and were nailed to the cross for us; those blessed hands, which were stretched out in prayer, and nailed to the accursed tree, and bless that loving heart, which was pierced for our sins and salvation. 


With sweet affection, let us kiss 

The Son of God, our Lord, 

And own it as our highest bliss, 

To live upon His word. 

The more we think upon Christ’s love, 

While in this vale of tears, 

The more our hearts will soar above, 

And banish all our fears.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


* CONSANGUINITY, noun [Latin , blood.] The relation of persons by blood; the relation or connection of persons descended from the same stock or common ancestor, in distinction from affinity or relation by marriage. It is lineal or collateral.


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