"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." -Romans 1:16 [KJV]

Says Mr. Bunyan, “Of all the men that I met with in my pilgrimage, Shame, I think, bears the wrong name. This boldfaced Shame would never have done. I could scarcely shake him out of my company. He would be continually haunting me, and whispering me in my ear. Indeed, this Shame is a bold villain” (excerpt from Pilgrim’s Progress.) 

Have you not found the same? Lord, pardon Thy servant, that this shame still cleaves unto me. Lord, I am ashamed of myself, that I ever should be ashamed of Thee and Thy gospel. Lion of the tribe of Judah, drive away this shame from my heart. 

Consider, (1st.) its origin. It is begotten by pride. We are proud of our good names, our characters, our reason, and understanding, among the men of the world. If we openly profess the gospel of Christ, and live and walk under the influence of it, we cannot do as the rest of the world does. Hence, we shall soon get a nick-name; be called a Methodist, and deemed a fool, a madman, an enthusiast. Pride cannot bear this: it is ashamed of it. 

Then, (2d.) it works by fear. Fear says, Take heed to yourself; do not go too far: keep your gospel to yourself; you will surely suffer for it; you will lose your friends, character, and business—you will set all the world against you: and then, how will you live? 

Thence, (3d.) you see that pride and fear are the cursed offspring of atheism and unbelief. They banish the providence of God and the promises of His grace out of our mind. Hence it is plain, that faith, a living faith in the gospel of Christ, will drive pride, fear, and shame out of the heart, with, Get ye to hell, from whence ye sprang. O! consider the dishonour it is to precious Christ, to be ashamed of His glorious gospel. 

Does that bring to our souls the glad tidings of the pardon of our sins, peace with God, justification before Him, and eternal enjoyment of Him through the salvation of Christ? Did He make Himself of no reputation for us? Did He endure the cross, and despise the shame of hanging naked upon it, as a cursed malefactor to save us? And shall we be ashamed of Him? Where, then, is our faith in Him, and love to Him? It is one thing to be beset with shame, and another to give way to it. 

A lively faith begets warm love: then, shame durst not shew his base head. Without Thee, O Jesus, we can do nothing. Through Thy strength we can do all things. Lord, strengthen our souls in the faith and love of Thee. O! suffer us never, never to be ashamed of Thee, and of Thy dear cross: but let us ever glory in Thee, and of Thee. And, dear Lord, help us, that we may never be a shame to Thee and Thy gospel, by an unchristian life and unholy walk. 


To God we still would cleave 

With ever-growing zeal! 

If millions tempt us Christ to leave, 

O! let them ne’er prevail.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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