Great Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 07 July, 2024 A.D.

"Men shall be blessed in Him: all nations shall call Him blessed." -Psalm 72:17 [KJV]

“Cursed is every one who continueth not in all things, which are written in the book of the law to do them” (Galatians 3:10.) This curse, God hath never revoked. Every man upon the earth is naturally under it. But the greatest curse is, men neither believe it, feel it, nor care for it. Hence they slight and disregard that dear Man, Who was made “a curse for us,” that we might be blessed in Him. Says our Lord, “search the scriptures, they testify of Me,” (John 5:39.) Here is a sweet testimony for our mind, and precious food for our faith. 

Jesus, Master, bless me while I meditate on it. (1st.) See all blessedness in Christ. Well might Luther say, “I will have nothing to do with an absolute God.” That is, God without a Mediator. O sinner, O saint, there is nothing but curse and wrath for us, out of Christ. There is a hell of sin in our nature. The pride of the devil, and the lust of the beast dwell in our flesh. Spirit of God, give us to know this more and more, to the humbling of our hearts, and to the prizing of our dear Immanuel. For in Christ there is nothing but blessedness. We are blessed IN him. 

Blessed be His God and Father, Who hath blessed us, with all spiritual blessings in Christ, according as He hath chosen us IN HIM before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3.) These are the precious foundation truths of our blessedness. Faith receives them, and works by the love of them. 

(2d.) Not only blessed IN, but blessed BY Christ. As our covenant Head, He hath every blessing for time and eternity to bestow upon His members. We have not only a notion of this, but the enjoyment of it. Christ is the Author of our faith. He gave us faith, that we might feed on Him in our hearts, have fellowship with Him in our spirits, and have all things in common with Him, which our Father’s love can bestow, to make us blessed and happy. 

(3d.) Men, miserable, sinful men, shall not only be blessed IN and BY Christ, but shall bless themselves IN Him. This is a sweet art. Holy Spirit, teach it us from day to day. Though we find ourselves vile, miserable, and cursed, yet let us bless ourselves in the Lord: boast of Him, glory in, and rejoice for what Christ of God is made to us. Lastly, Men shall call Christ blessed. 

The most blessed objects their eyes ever saw, or their hearts ever knew. The paper fails [The author had written to the bottom of the page.] Lord make up in spirit what is wanting in letter. There is no end of speaking, dear Lord, of Thy blessedness. 

In Christ I am for ever blest, 

Tho’ sin and law condemn me still: 

Christ is my refuge and my rest, 

Let carnal sense say what it will. 

Faith lifts me out of nature’s views, 

And judges not by carnal sense: 

When on Christ’s love I sweetly muse, 

It drives all slavish terrors hence.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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