Exalt the Riches of God's Grace in Christ JESUS

"Save yourselves from this untoward generation." -Acts 2:40 [KJV]

Some, from a warm zeal for free-will, and a strong opposition to salvation by grace, have been weak enough to cite this passage to prove, that we have a hand in our own salvation; because we are here called upon to save ourselves. They might with equal propriety have inferred, that we are here exhorted to new create ourselves. But there is a sense, in which this exhortation is peculiarly applicable, to every saved sinner, every justified believer in Christ. 

For the honour and glory of our Saviour, and for the peace and comfort of our souls, let us attend to it. Wisdom informs us, There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet not washed from their filthiness. O how filthy are their eyes! And their eyelids are lifted up (see Proverbs 30:12,13 KJV.) Now these are at enmity against, “That seed that serve the Lord, and which are counted to Him for a generation” (Psalm 22:30.) It was so from the beginning. It is so now. It ever will be so, as long as two seeds or generations are in the earth. 

Therefore, we are called upon to save ourselves from this generation; for it is untoward (-warped, crooked, perverse). The men of this generation may have extensive imaginations, profound learning, and shining abilities—they may occupy high stations in church and state. Yet they are perverse. They deride the glorious gospel: set at nought the precious Saviour: His perfect atonement, and one righteousness, they see no need of: they ridicule the operations of His Spirit, and call all who pretend to them, enthusiasts. 

Glad are they, when they can shew the untowardness of their nature, and the vexatious disposition of their spirits against them. From such, O Christian, save yourself. How? Refrain from their company. Despise their deistical notions. Abhor their proud, free-will, self-righteous tenets. Defile not yourself by reading their works. It is like trying the effects of poison upon a healthy body. Separate from them. Come out from amongst them. 

So shall you save yourselves, from partaking of their evils and judgments. Know His friends, and associate with them. Bless your precious Lord, for saving you from their untoward state, which was of His unmerited mercy and distinguishing grace. 

O when you read of them, and see them, reflect, such I was once; WHO MADE ME TO DIFFER? Thus you will get good by them, if the reflection tends to sink your soul in humility, and causes you to exalt the riches of God’s grace in Christ Jesus. 


Dangers beset on ev’ry side 

From men profane, and sons of pride: 

O keep me, Lord, by grace divine, 

And make me know I’m ever Thine. 

Born from above to walk with Thee, 

By faith that I may holy be: 

Then let it be my constant care, 

Of men untoward to beware.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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