"...One mediator between God and man, the man CHRIST JESUS." -I Timothy 2:5 [KJV]

O my fellow sinners, I heartily congratulate your soul and my own for this blessed truth! Lord help us to live upon it in our consciences from day to day. For it is not a speculative, but an experimental truth. It enters into the very essence of our faith, is the very life of our hope—lies at the foundation of our peace—and is the very source of every blessing and comfort. If we are not continually looking to this ONE mediator JESUS, we lose the peace of faith, the comfort of hope, the fellowship of love, and get into perplexity of mind. Then, we do not draw nigh to God with confidence, stand before Him with boldness, nor cheerfully walk with Him in love and holiness. 

Consider, (1st.) A mediator stands as a middle person, interposing between two parties at variance, to make peace and reconciliation. This, Christ hath perfectly done. He hath for ever made peace by the blood of His cross (Colossians 1:20.) Sin was the cause of variance between God and us. But Christ hath put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself (Hebrews 9:26.) Thus the work of reconciliation is finished respecting God. 

But, (2dly.) Jesus hath a work to do with us. For we are naturally alienated from God, and enemies to Him in our minds: this is manifest by our wicked ways. But says the apostle, “you hath He now reconciled” (Colossians 1:21.) Is it not so with you? Has Christ, by the persuasive eloquence of His tongue—the affecting oratory of His love, and the sweet power of His Spirit, conquered the rebellion of your will, subdued the stubborn pride of your heart, and gained your affections for God? 

Yes, say you. But I am such a miserable sinner, I fear God will not receive me, I have so much sin in me, I think He cannot be reconciled to me, and at peace with me. Nay, but if Jesus had not been a mediator for miserable sinners full of sin, St. Paul had been damned, all the apostles in hell, and every saint, now in glory, would have been in endless torment. All the comfort of Christ’s mediation is enjoyed by faith. 

(3d.) Christ lives to keep up perfect reconciliation between God and us. O, that is a most precious word. “For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life” (Romans 5:10.) Look back to the atonement of Christ on the cross—look up to the intercession of Christ at the right hand of a reconciled God—look forward and see heaven open to receive you, and the arms of a loving Father to embrace you. 


When sin and Satan me assault, 

And strive to break my peace: 

I dare not say, I have no fault, 

But Christ shall me release. 

Christ ever stands before the throne, 

His precious work to plead: 

Hence guilt and wrath from me are gone; 

He brings the peace I need.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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