Weekend Gospel MSG to follow for All Hands ~ 07 June, 2024 A.D.

"Unto Him Who hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood." -Revelation 1:5 [KJV]

Paul denounces the most dreadful curse upon every one who loves not the Lord Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 16:22.) Why does any sinner love Christ? Because he believes the love of Christ to sinners. See the awful curses of unbelief. It rejects the love of Christ: It sets at nought His salvation: It seals the sinner under the curse of his sins, the wrath due to his sins; and binds him over to eternal damnation for his sins. But the unawakened sinner smiles at all this: For he does not believe one word of it. Lord, leave not my soul under this sin of sins, of all sins the most heinous and cursed! O help my unbelief! 

(1st.) See the preciousness of faith. It works by love; even by the love of Christ manifested to us. It receives and embraces His love to the heart: there it works peace in the conscience, delight in God, access to God, boldness before God, joy in God, fellowship with God, conformity to God, and longing for the eternal enjoyment of God. 

For, (2d.) Our sins which are the cause of separation and distance from God, and shyness of God, are washed away. How? By Christ’s own blood. O wonderful to think! O joyful to believe! The holy Son of God hath washed us—us unholy, us ungodly, us hell-deserving, sinners, from our sins in His own blood. He hath done it. This precious, this mighty work is for ever finished, Christ hath once appeared, for ever put away our sins by the sacrifice of Himself (Hebrews 9:26.) What says His Father of Him? “In My beloved Son, I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17.) 

What saith He of us? “Your sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17.) What say you? Is all this true? is all this a fact, or a fable? Upon our belief of this depends our comfort and holiness: And from the faith of this springs glory to God in the highest. 

For, (3d.) If we firmly believe this, we shall joyfully join the redeemed in earth and heaven, in giving praise and glory to Christ, for washing us from our sins in His own blood. But you say, I have sin in me, I mourn over it, and groan under it. That is sense. This sense is needful to keep you humble before Christ. 

Yet faith is above sense. It glorifies Christ for washing away from before God’s sight, the very sins you feel. You have the sense of fear, that you shall be damned for your sins. That is a holy fear. That keeps you from sinning. But faith says, There is no condemnation to me, I am in Christ Jesus (see Romans 8:1.) My sins are all washed away. I am perfectly cleansed from them all. And my Lord says, “Thou art all fair, My love; there is no spot in thee.” -Songs of Solomon 4:7 


Before we sinn’d Christ loved us, 

And when we fell His blood He spilt: 

Believe His love displayed thus, 

To wash and cleanse us from all guilt.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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