The Saving of the Soul

"We are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe, to the saving of the soul." -Hebrews 10:39 [KJV]

There is somewhat implied in this text, which is not expressed. It was not out of the apostle’s thoughts. It ought never to be out of ours. Why do we not draw back unto perdition? Is it because of our own might, power, and faithfulness? No. But because we are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation (I Peter 1:5.) Why do any draw back unto perdition? Because they do not believe the word of God: do not live upon the power of God: their hearts are not renewed by the grace of God; and they do not choose for their portion, in time and eternity, the Son of God. 

But they must have made some progress in the way of salvation, else how can they draw back unto perdition? Many go great lengths in profession and expressions. They are like a new moon that shines bright at the beginning, but does not last all night. They seem to begin well, to run fast, and to bid fair, with Christ in their hearts, and heaven in their view. They talk of the views of faith, and the joys of faith. But alas! time discovers, that their hearts are not vitally united to Jesus the Author and Finisher of faith. Therefore they obtain not the victory of faith. 

An unconquered world prevails against them. Unsubdued lusts get the dominion over them: and Satan makes a complete conquest over them. The lamp of profession goes out, and they draw back to perdition. Awful state! How much to be dreaded! How earnestly to be deprecated! O consider soul, there is perdition, in the least drawing back. Though you may be kept so as not to finally perish, yet you will awfully suffer loss, if you lose the presence of Christ, the comforts of love, and the joys of faith. O this is dreadful loss! 

Remember, Jesus is a loving Saviour. The soul is to be saved from all evil and sin, from day to day. Faith is a living grace in the heart. By it come to Christ continually. Believe His love, His power, His willingness to save you to the very uttermost, from the power of sin, the corruption of nature, the love of the world, the snares of hell, into all the happiness and glory of heaven. O may the thought, of a possibility of drawing back from Christ, quicken us to watch and pray to Him, to be kept. Study, what are the best means of strengthening your faith. Use them. What things are contrary thereto, avoid. It is by believing, we hold on and hold out. For that brings the grace and strength of Christ into the soul. 


Still let our souls be passing on, 

Nor ever think of drawing back: 

Redeem’d and sav’d by God’s dear Son, 

Supplies of grace we ne’er shall lack. 

God keeps us by His mighty pow’r 

Thro’ faith, eternal joys to see: 

Tho’ hard beset in some sad hour, 

He’ll set our souls at liberty.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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