"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him." -Colossians 2:6 [KJV]

It is to the glory of the grace of the holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, that any sinner receives Christ; and Christ is the glory of that heart which receives him. Thus, there is a mutual complacency and delight between Jehovah, Father, Son, and Spirit and believing sons. Every one who believes in Christ Jesus, has received Christ as his Lord, his atonement, his righteousness, his salvation as verily as St. Paul, or any of the apostles. 

God is alike the Father of all such; the Son is alike the Saviour of all such; and the Holy Ghost is alike the Sanctifier and Comforter of all such. O well may the believing heart cry out in a rapture of joy, Lord, what rich grace is this! What glorious privilege am I invested with? What hast Thou wrought! What am I! Why should Jesus apprehend me, worthless me, that I should apprehend him! Lord, what wouldst thou have me to do? Hear and obey. Walk ye in Him.

What is meant by this? In one word, seeing Christ is yours, enjoy Him more and more. How? How did you receive Him? As a perishing sinner by faith. Then so walk in Him. Walking implies the whole of a believer’s life: that his soul should be in constant motion; that the eye of his faith should be ever looking to, and his heart dependent on Christ Jesus the Lord. So, he walks comfortably, holily, steadily, and perseveringly, to the glory of his Saviour. 

But shall we meet with no interruptions in thus walking in Christ, Who is the Way? Not from Him: for He is a most smooth, delightful, and pleasant way. Only keep in Him, and you are sure of safety and comfort. But from within, and from without, you will meet with numberless objections and interruptions in your walk. The pride and the lusts of the flesh will oppose you; Satan will oppose, and strive to impede your steps; the world will attempt to seduce you. Be simple of heart. Know, every step, that you are as poor a sinner, as when you first received Christ. 

Make Him the one Object of your heart. When you are ready to halt at the sight of your weakness, poverty, and vileness, consider Him. Look to Him. Cry to Him. So shall you “renew your strength: you shall run, and not be weary; walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31.) You are just at your journey’s end. You have the shades of death to pass through. What of that? “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.” -Psalm 23:4. 


Now we walk in Christ by faith, 

Ever hearing what He saith 

In His word, unto our heart: 

He from us will not depart. 

Christ is a most pleasant way— 

Let us from Him never stray: 

In Him we have all things good, 

Brought us through His precious blood.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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