The Lord GOD Will Help Me

"Should such a man as I flee?" -Nehemiah 6:11 [KJV]

Nehemiah was engaged in a great work. His God was with him, and gave success unto him. Friends and enemies unite against him. By base insinuation, craft and stratagem, they strove to dishearten and deter him from going on with God’s work. Opposition is the Christian’s lot: courage is honour: perseverance is his jewel. Look at this man of God: he boldly repels all fear. Instead of fleeing from his work as advised, he flees to his God, and cries, “O God, strengthen my hand.” 

Faith inspires prayer: prayer brings courage to the heart. Then he boldly demands, Should such a man as I flee! A man so greatly favoured, so highly honoured, as to be employed by God, to work for Him? No, I disdain such mean cowardice: I will work on: It is God’s cause: let God see to the event; I fear it not. Christian, know your calling: it is to work for God: expect opposition from within and without. This may call up fear and dismay. But, consider your dignity: maintain and assert it. “Should such a man as I flee?” 

A man called by the grace of Jesus, to resist the devil—to face carnal men—to vanquish sin—to overcome the world—to glory over death, and to receive a crown of righteousness in endless happiness: shall I flee? What I, who am called to be strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus? O my soul, put on Christ, and put off fear: put up prayer, and put down dread. From whom should such a man as I flee? Of whom should I be afraid? Doth not my Lord say, My grace is sufficient for thee, My strength is made perfect in thy weakness? 

O Lord, strengthen my heart, to resist Satan, that he may flee from me, and to overcome the fear of man, which is a snare to me. I bless Thee for Thy precious word: strengthen my heart in the faith of it. “Fear not, neither be faint-hearted, for the tails of these smoking fire-brands” (Isaiah 7:4.)Hearken unto Me—fear not the reproach of men, neither be afraid of their revilings (Isaiah 51:7.) I, even I AM He Who comforteth you. Who art thou, that thou shouldst be afraid of a man that shall die, and the son of man which shall be made as grass, and forgetest the Lord thy Maker? “The Lord GOD will help me: I shall not be confounded: I have set my face like a flint: I shall not be ashamed: the moth shall eat up my adversaries.” -Isaiah 50:7, 9 


Courage, my friends, 

Christ’s strength is ours: 

Tho’ of ourselves we’ve none: 

Why should we dread our hostile pow’rs? 

They’re conquer’d ev’ry one. 

Look up and see our Saviour stand, 

Pleading your cause and mine 

Before the throne, at God’s right hand: 

Courage, our aid’s divine.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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