"LORD, be merciful to me: heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee." -Psalm 41:4 [KJV]

Is this the language of the man after God’s own heart? Was David a saint when he uttered it? Yes, he was a holy man of God. This confession and prayer shew it. His heart was not hardened through the deceitfulness of sin, nor blinded by self-righteous pride, so as to say, “I have no sin.” Self-righteous hearts cannot away with this, that all the Lord’s saints are yet in themselves miserable sinners; that they daily see need to confess this; and to sue for mercy and healing from the Lord. Here is a confession, a plea, and a prayer. 

(1st.) A confession, “I have sinned against Thee.” Thus we must come and confess to the Lord to-day, to-morrow, and every day, till the sun of life sets. Sense of sin, whether fresh contracted, or long since committed, abides with us. It wounds and pains a gracious soul. Here grace discovers itself. That soul waits not for time to efface the memory of sin, or strives to stifle convictions for it, but goes humbly to the Lord, and confesses it, with all its aggravations, and with this above all others, “Lord, against Thee, I have sinned.” O may my soul never, never lose this conviction, that every sin is against Thee, my Lord and loving Father—Thee, my Lord and gracious Redeemer—Thee, my Lord and gracious Comforter. This makes sin exceeding sinful, while it magnifies the super-abounding riches of grace, in receiving sinners, and pardoning sin. 

(2d.) Consider the plea. It is not the Pharisee’s parade, Lord, I have done this and that, or I have not done so and so. Lord, I have been faithful to Thy grace: I am not so bad as others. No! but it is the Publican’s plea, “Lord, be merciful:” to me a vile sinner, who have done nothing to deserve Thy favour, yet plead Thy mercy promised to sinners, in Christ Jesus. Thou canst be just, and yet justify the ungodly who believe in Jesus. 

Therefore (3d.) I pray, “heal my soul.” No prayers, no tears, no duties, no terms and conditions, of mine, can heal my soul. No, my best works are stained with pollution: my holiest duties are mixed with sin. Nothing but the blood of the Lamb can bring pardon to my heart, peace to my conscience, and healing to my soul. “The Lord will speak unto His people and to His saints” (Psalm 85:8.) For, O precious words! He assures us, “All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men.” -Matthew 12:31


Tho’ sin doth so distress my soul, 

With sickness and with pain: 

My God will heal and make me whole, 

And give me peace again. 

No plea have I, Thou Lamb of God, 

For mercy, but thro’ Thee: 

Cleansing and healing by Thy blood, 

To sinners come most free.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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