But Now in Christ JESUS!

"But now in Christ Jesus, ye, who were sometimes afar off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ." -Ephesians 2:13 [KJV]

If any one were asked, Do you live near the court? Have you free access to his majesty? Did you ever kiss the king’s hand? Who would hesitate one moment for an answer? 

Consciousness would instantly dictate one. Pray, Is Christian experience so dark and doubtful a matter, that if asked, are you brought nigh to God? Do you live near God? Have you free access to God? That we cannot answer, with some degree of knowledge and certainty. 

O my dear fellow Christians, though we are brought nigh to God, yet we do not live near Him. Hence our doubt and uncertainty. Our hearts and affections too much rove in the high roads of earthly honour, riches, and pleasures. Here clouds of dust rise. They so dim our sight, and cloud our views, that we can hardly see our way, or tell where we are. 

Here we are reminded, (1st.) That we “were sometimes afar off.” Awful distance! As far as possible from God, because so far from original righteousness. As far off from God, as a devil. Naturally, no more desire to draw nigh to Him. Nay, Satan had possession of us, ruled in, and reigned over us. We loved our master, hated our God, and delighted at our distance from Him. O be covered with shame. Be clothed with humility. Yet lift up your head with joy. 

For, (2d.) We are brought nigh to God. O, says one, I wish I was sure of this. It is true in the word, that sinners are brought nigh to God. You can only know this for yourself by experience. 

Therefore consider, (3d.) How we are brought nigh. By the blood of Christ. By faith in him, we are reconciled to God, justified before God, and at peace with God. If you are brought nigh to God, 

(1st.) Christ is precious to you. Your heart is towards Him. Your hope is fixed on Him. 

(2d.) His blood is highly prized by you. You look to His atonement for the pardon of your sins, to cleanse your conscience from guilt, and to bring peace to your soul. 

(3d.) By Him you delight to draw nigh to God, making His blood and righteousness your only plea for salvation. And, 

(4th.) You will live near to God in love, and walk before Him in holiness. You will hate the things you once loved, and love the things you once hated. In this way only, you can enjoy fellowship and peace with God, comfort from God, and assurance that you are a child of God. Says Christ, “If ye love Me, keep My commandments, and the Comforter shall abide with you for ever." -John 14:15. 


Brought nigh to God by Jesus’ blood: 

Poor sinners, here’s good news! 

O bless your dear redeeming God, 

And on Him ever muse. 

Live near to Christ, and daily prove 

Your fellowship divine; 

Abide in His most precious love, 

Till you in glory shine.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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