Yet Another Perfect Promise from our Beloved Master Above

"I go to prepare a place for you." -John 14:2 [KJV]

If any person, destitute of the provisions of life, had a promise from some noble lord, I will amply provide for you—I will go this day to court, and get a place for you: if he believed his word, and depended on his power, it would fill the heart with joy. Suppose he actually succeeded to the most desirable place, and that it was in no one’s power to dispatch him: what then? Why, this would add to his comfort. 

But, though no one could take his place from him, yet, alas! there is one, who will very soon summons him to another, in the place appointed for all living. Ah! this gives a damp to every earthly enjoyment. Off hands, from all: quit your hold of all: for you hold all earthly possessions by a very uncertain tenure. But, hear your Lord: rejoice at His words. 

(1st.) I go; willingly and cheerfully, through the most dreadful scenes of horror, agony, and death. I go, to face, fight with, and conquer all the powers of earth and hell for you. Such is My love to you, that, rather than you shall perish in hell for your sins, I go, to suffer all the torments of pain which you have deserved. Love to you, willingly carries Me through all; makes Me cheerful in all; and causes Me to triumph over all, that I may enter into heaven for you. Dear Lord, let us have a feeling of this Thy precious love in our hearts to-night. 

(2d.) To prepare a place. I will not reign alone in My Father’s kingdom; to think no more of you, nor care no more of you. But as it is His good pleasure to give you the kingdom, I will enter and take possession of it as your forerunner. There I will plead My blood shed for you, my righteousness to justify you, and My salvation to glorify you. 

(3d.) For you. Who? What is the character of those for whom Christ prepares this place? Had they never displeased their Lord? Did they never offend Him? Alas! which of them shall we fix on as a perfect character? Peter denied Him, with oaths and curses. All shamefully forsook Him. Might they not then forfeit their place in glory? Yes, if love did not reign, and grace abound in the heart of Christ, over all the aboundings of sin. 

O foolish thought of base unbelief, that Christ should prepare a place in heaven for those who might eternally perish in hell! But see them described, (verse 1.) They had troubled hearts about Christ, and believed in Him. Judge yourself to-night. Do you believe in Christ? Is your heart troubled, lest you should lose Him? Do you long for the eternal enjoyment of Him? Rejoice: He has prepared a place for you. Where He is, there shall you be also, see John 14:3. 


O Thou, Who dost prepare a place, 

A mansion in the sky, 

For sinners, Thy redeemed race! 

Lord, to my soul draw nigh. 

Prepare my soul, and make me meet 

To see Thy face above, 

That I in heav’n may take my seat, 

And praise Thee for Thy love.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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